Chapter 36: Calm Down Woman!

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Sorry guys if the notification for an update came out and there wasn't any new chapter. Whilst I was writing this chapter, I accidentally dropped my phone and when I caught it I pushed the publish button by accident. 😂😂 so I unpublished it quickly so I could continue writing without you guys getting a few hints. sorry i got your hopes up. Anyway here's the chapter.

Chapter 36:  Calm Down Woman!


Everyone in the crowd tries to stay as quiet as they could to hear what the Council would say to Sam, but if I couldn't catch what they were saying then no-one else could. However, everything that happened next, spanned over the time of a few seconds. Once Sam locked eyes with Crystal all hell broke loose and in that time I managed to realise Kyle was missing...

Sam goes to lunge at Cystal. And all of a sudden a loud, powerful roar breaks the silence of the crowd.

Everyone, excluding all the Council members, freeze up due to how powerful the roar was. This voice held almost as much power as an alpha's did and I could recognise that voice anywhere. I heard it everyday of my life for the past 17 years. All eyes are drawn to where Kyle is standing and in seconds he had managed to get from beside me to holding Sam by the collar of his shirt.  No... It can't be possible... Kyle couldn't be...

Crystal reacts to the sudden movents of both Sam and Kyle and stumbles backwards in shock. However, when she looks up, I could recognise that face anywhere; The look of disbelief and love. The look of when you see your mate for the first time.

'So it all worked out... I was a bit worried leaving you alone,' A familiar voice fills my head, distracting me from what was occuring.

'CELESTIAL!' I screech at her through our link, most likely deafening her.

'Calm down woman! I'm back. Sorry I didn't get to say anything before I took off but I was watching you and you did well without me. Although I'm a bit hurt you didn't notice I wasn't there until Ash pointed it out,' she starts chatting as if everything was normal.

'I need to talk to you, however now in not the time for it,' I quickly say before tuning back into what was happening.

Kyle let go of Sam collar and bends down to where Crystal had stumbled. Sam, however, stays frozen in the same place, shocked. Chloe, who is standing behind him decides to peck around him to witness what the drama is over, and anger is quick to be clearly written on her face. I quickly wriggle my way through the crowd to get to where they were standing, Sher and Ashen following me as well.

Suddenly, Chloe's irritating high-pitched squeal sounds through the air deafening everyone. Everyone, including the Council members, move away from the sound giving me a straight path towards Kyle and Crystal.

"YOU SLUT!!!" Chloe screams at Crystal who is covering her ears from the high pitch. "FIRST YOU TRY TO SEDUCE MY BOYFRIEND, SECOND YOU TRY TO TAKE MY PACK OFF OF ME. NOW YOU WANT TO STEAL MY MATE!!" Wait what.... How is Kyle Chloe's mate. I thought it was Crystal?!!

Kyle let's out a loud sigh: "Chloe you can't call me your mate when you rejected me first." Everyone that was listening let's out a large gasp. That little bitc- I mean monster. How dare she reject my brother! I start to take angry stomps towards her preparing to give her a piece of my mind, however, Kyle decides to continue. "Chloe, once you rejected me our bond broke meaning if I find someone else with a broken bond I have the chance of getting a second chance mate and it seems that this has happened." He gazed down to where Crystal was sitting on the ground shocked and smiles at her. 

Almost having reached then I stop in my tracks. This is all too confusing. So since Kyle was rejected by Chloe and Crystal was rejected by Sam, the bonds broke between them and developed new ones with each other? So Crystal is Kyle's mate? I'll just go with that.

" Well this was not planned..." Maddox, aka Gandalf, mutters loud enough for us to pick up on. " Anyway, may I ask who you two are?" He asks, referring to Sam and Chloe who had barged in on Crystal ceremony.

"I am the future Luna of the pack and this is my 'new mate,' and my boyfriend, the alpha's son." Chloe says proudly, directly throwing a verbal punch towards Kyle and Crystal by saying boyfriend and new mate. "So who are you to demand who we are when you are on our land with these traitors?!" I mentally give myself a facepalm at Chloe's disrespect towards the Head of the Council. Clearly she doesn't know who the council is, which every werewolf is taught to remember.

"I am Maddox, Head of the Council of Werewolves, and standing behind me is the rest of the Council members." All colour drains out of Chloe's face after hearing these words. "And I ask that you respect us and our orders or we will have you removed off this land." After talking to Chloe, Maddox turns towards Sam and leads him away to discuss his family's banishment, of which I couldn't overhear.

Although I could figure out what they where basically saying by Sam's facial expressions. Anger fills his face as he tries to verbally lash out at Maddox, and once he realises that it's not working it looks as though he is trying to defend himself. After a quick shake of the head and Sam's disheartened face, Maddox starts to walk over to where Crystal, Kyle and I were standing.

"May I ask one of you to direct me towards where the cells are kept. Underneath our packhouse, we had jail cells made of silver to keep any rogues that crossed our borders in. I look towards Kyle and Crystal, but I realise that they would probably have to introduce themselves and get to know one another first. So I volunteer.

"Yea, I can show where they are. But may I ask why you need to go there?"

"We are going to keep the old alpha's son and his girlfriend down there until I can have someone excort them out of the borders..."


Hey guys I finally managed to finish it. Hopefully I can get another chapter out soon for you guys.


Hope you like the chapter

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