Chapter 56: It's Alright...

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I've attached a song above (hopefully it works) which you will see why later on in the chapter, so if you want to play it when it comes up in the story or now, it's up to you. Hope you enjoy it.

Chapter 56: It's Alright...


He tilts his head back to look at me, watching me make my way towards the door. I place my hands on the barrier, expecting it to repel me backwards as it did to Skull. However, it doesn't... Taking this as a sign I call out.

"Ashen! I know you know it's me! Please let me in," I desperately plea. I bang my hands on the barrier, determined to get in. "I'm not leaving until I see you! You need me right now."  

A loud cry echoes from inside, causing the barrier to shatter in my hands. I run inside to find an opened jail cell and Ashen curled up in a ball. 


The light that illuminates off of us is significantly dimmer for Ashen. As if it's almost dead.

"No one wants you... You're a murderer... How could someone love you..." A dark voice echoes around the darkness of Ashen's mind. These are his thoughts, which the darkness is using to consume him. His hands cover his ears, desperate not to hear any more.

Not knowing what to say to him I quietly sit down beside him. Sensing my presence, his head jerks up to look at me with a tear-streaked face.

"Why are you here? How did you get in? You shouldn't be here... It'll take you too..." He murmurs quietly, trying to stay conscious. I notice his unfocused eyes trying to stay open as they slowly want to close. More horrid thoughts echo around the darkness. Ashen let's out another scream before covering his ears again.

"No one loves you... You're all alone... No one would care if you disappeared... You should just die..."

I pull Ashen into an embrace, allowing him to bury his head in my arms. His screams die down and so do the thoughts. Silence surrounds us instead."You know those thoughts are all nonsense, right?" I calmly say, breaking the silence. He lifts his head and looks me dead in the eye. "You have so many people that care about you. Not just because I'm your mate. Skull cares for you so much, he blames himself for this mess. Celestial - she would literally die without you. Crystal went through hell with you when you guys were captured by the rogues. My brother finally warmed up to you... Even the pack was slowly accepting you. Even the moon goddess treasures you, she's the one that allowed me to enter here. There are so many more that love you and miss you. And after we clear this misunderstanding, so will my mother. Just remember that I am another part of you... I'll always be here for you."

His arms around me grasp me tighter as he bursts into tears. I feel the barrier shatter and hear Skull run in. He stands back watching, glad that Ashen is alright. Suddenly a song pops into my head, and not wanting to say anything awkward I begin to sing the song.

"Take a breath and let it in.
Until your heart aches from within.
It's okay.
To feel pain every once in a while.
Take a breath and let it in.
I know it hurts to feel the pain.
Let it go, until there is nothing left.

Love it's alright.
To run out of breath sometimes.
No one can hate you.
We all fall at times.
So go on, freely make mistakes.
That's what it means to be alive.
Saying it's alright.
Are just words that hope it fine.

When the world betrays you.
I'll be right beside you.
Lay it all on me.
When you feel like you've just had enough.
Things that you've been through.
I may not know but I'll try to understand.
I'll take your hand.
I will never let you go.

I see the sadness in your eyes.
With all the weight you carry deep inside.
I know.
Love, I just know.
Just how much strength it takes for you.
To hold your breath so your weakness won't show.
With me, you won't have to be so strong

Breath in like it's all you know.
To the world just let it go.

When the world betrays you.
I'll be right beside you.
Lay it all on me.
When you feel like you've just had enough.
Things that you've been through.
I may not know but I'll try to understand.
I'll take your hand.
I will never let you go.
Just know... I believe in you..."

I tighten my hand over his, as his sobs die down. He lays his head on my lap and lets the exhaustion take over. As soon as he falls asleep, it is like the spell is undone and I'm brought back to the cave. I let Ashen sleep and feel the sleepiness take over my body as well. My eyes begin to close and I let them as I know my mission is done.

I feel myself enter into a dream-like state and I open my eyes to find the same place where I  the moon goddess. I hear the grass moving behind me and quick footsteps.

Something tackles me from behind and I fall on to the damp grass. Whoever it was, quickly embraces me tightly as if I would disappear. Scared, I twist around ready to punch whoever it was, only to be met by a face full of dark brown hair. I push the hair out of my face to see a grinning Ashen.

"Thank you... You don't realize how much that meant to me..." He says before embracing me again. I hear a slight chuckle coming from above us, and to my surprise, standing there is the moon goddess. Beside her is Celestial and Skull looking very relieved. They both bolt over and tackle Ashen off of me before licking his face.

"Do you know how much you scared us?!" Skull exclaims before resuming to smother him in happiness and fur. After they stop and calm down, the moon goddess begins to walk over.

"Thank you, Avery, you stop a disaster from happening, but what matters is that you saved both Ashen and yourself from an unfathomable fate. Your love for each other has grown tremendously as well as your trust in each other." Her velvety voice calms my beating heart down and I notice it causing an effect on the others as well. "Now when can I expect a child?" She jokes around, showing us another side. My cheeks quickly warm up as I look away embarrassed by her comment, noticing Ashen also blushing and scratching his neck flustered.

"They have to mate first in order for that to happen," Celestial joins in, in embarrassing both of us even further.

"I can't believe you guys haven't mated yet! I mean how long has it been since you two met!" Skull also decides to join in. "They haven't even marked each other. I'm ashamed!"

"Shut up..." Both Ashen and I grumble, causing all three of them to burst out laughing. The Moon goddess grins at me as if she knows something that I don't. After joking around for a while longer, we leave the dream-like realm and arrive back at the cave sound asleep.

Hey guys!!!! I'm finally back. Sorry, I just had a long week of work and I also couldn't think of what to write next for this book. So I decided to release my other book hoping I got some creativity from it.

Thankfully I did. But this chapter might be a bit confusing. Since I didn't know what to write, I don't think this chapter was as good, however, it got me to where I wanted so the next few chapters a lot will be going on so look forward to it.

Hopefully, you enjoyed the song. The original is in another language, however, I just got an English cover of it. At the end of the song, it turns to the original language. But I love this song, the words are so meaningful and thought it fitted well with this chapter.

Thanks for reading

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