First Time

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Jason Voorhees: You were on Jason's lap admiring the lake as Jason played with your hair occasionally kissing your forehead. He wanted to take your virginity but wasn't sure how you would react. He started out slowly kissing your neck hearing you gasp but not stop him. Things picked up from there.

Freddy Krueger: Your first time with Freddy happened a long time ago...

Michael Myers: Your father took your virginity sadly but Michael wanted to make it better. He started kissing your neck and and downwards making you feel loved. By the end of the night you were all his.

Hannibal Lector: You to got engaged a while back. Hannibal wanted to celebrate by taking you, but he knew you were a little worried. He started out slowly making you feel loved.

Leatherface: You and Bubba wanted to become intimate but wasn't sure how. It was you who had to start the show.

Norman Bates: He knew you weren't exactly fond of the idea. Your ex ruined it for you, But he still wanted to show you he cared. In the end he found you bathing and... well... let's say he's not shy in bed...

Ghostface: Happened a long time ago...

Pinhead: Happened a long time ago...

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