You get taken away and your rescue also a/n

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Sorry for this being so late guys. I was put back in public school sadly so I don't have much spare time. I'll update on the weekend if I get a chance. Again I'm sorry for the wait.

Jason Voorhees: It was a normal day as you walked into town to get food and such when two men watched you from the corner of your eyes, one licking there lips, the other whistling softly. You felt uncomfortable so you get the stuff you needed and payed for it, before walking out and starting to head back to camp. As you passed a ally you were grabbed and knocked out quickly by the two men. When you woke up you were tied to a mattress whimpering as screams echoed through out the halls. About ten minutes later Jason appeared untying you, and picks you up comforting you, as he tries not to get blood on you.

Freddy Krueger: Hahahahahahaha! Your always with him! But there was that one time his mom kidnaped you and almost got you raped... yeah Freddy was pissed when he got you out before than... Freddy calm the fuck down you little shit!

Michael Myers: Nope. Not happening. If anyone so much as looked at you they would have to deal with a pissed Michael. Who would bring you there heart before cuddling you for the rest of the day.

Hannibal Lector: You were being held for ransom. Only problem. They were dealing with Hannibal who got you out pretty quickly and started to cook the bodies into... whatever you needed to make.

Leatherface: You had gotten dragged along by to teen girls who found you absolutely adorable. Leatherface found you rather quickly and killed to two girls after taking you to mama who braided your hair.

Norman Bates: Your ex came back and tried to drag you away saying he changed. You ran to Norman and hid in his chest whimpering as he smiling softly. That was the first time in a long time you hugged him yourself. But Norma was absolutely pissed telling you to go into the backroom as she dealt with the "problem".

Ghostface: Your the one kidnapping people! You have a habit of kidnapping a random victim and torture them for fun pretending to be pinhead... just for fun :3


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