Chapter 6

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I wake up in the morning to find that I am all alone. As I sit up to take note of my surroundings I notice two things. One I actually feel amazing today and two I need to find where that heavenly smell is coming from.

Getting up I follow my nose to the kitchen. Rick is sat on one of the stools by the island surrounded by various bowls and plates shovelling food into his face. I can't help but laugh.

As I approach the island myself I see Blaze cooking in the kitchen. He's wearing jeans and a black t-shirt but what really catches my eye is his worlds sexiest chef apron. Can one guy get any cockier?

"Is it good then little one?"

Rick just nods at me whilst continuing to shove food in his mouth.

"Help yourself, I didn't know what you liked so I made everything" he smiles

I take note of all the foods on offer. Scrambled eggs, bacon, sausages, cereal, blueberry pancakes and extra syrup. My mouth waters and my stomach rumbles loudly.

This is not going to be pretty. At least it might get my mate to back off a bit.

See I like food as much as the next girl. Pair that with not eating properly for longer than I can count, all equals monstrous eating.

I start throwing food down my therapy quicker that you can say go. Everything tastes amazing! Forget cutlery this is a hand shovel moment.

When I have finally finished rick is looking at me totally horrified which makes me giggle.

I turn to face my mate expecting an equally horrified look but instead he has the biggest grin on his face with the look of... admiration in his eyes. WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM!

"The moon goddess really did make you for me" he laughs before eating the rest of the food in the same way that I did.

I get up from the table and run back to the room as quickly as possible unable to hold back the laughter. Once I get to the room it all comes out until tears are streaming down my cheeks.

Once I have finally composed myself. I open the door.

Frozen in place I watch as my mate pushes off the wall with an amused look on his face.

"I didn't know I was that amusing" he smirks at me. "You know your laugh is infectious" he grins.

He starts to move closer to me when suddenly there is a knock on the door. Saved by the bell! I sigh in relief.

Following closely behind I notice a younger blonde girl at the door. She must be about 16. She's holding something in her hands but I can't quite make out what it is.

"Is that her?" She says pushing past Blaze running towards me.

She throws her arms around me in a hug. I instantly stiffen. I don't like being touched.

"Hi I'm Holly!" She smiles "I'm the Alphas sister. I brought some clothes for you and the little one until you go shopping"

She turns her attention and waves at Rick who just turns away shyly.

"Also the alpha wants to see you on the training field so we know what we are dealing with before you become an official pack member while I take the little one to school"

"I'll stop you there. I don't want to be a pack member" I step back putting space between us as possible.

I hear a growl come from Blaze.

"But you have to be! Your our beta female! You have to be part of the pack" Holly whines

"Your brother will be safer in a pack as well"

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