Chapter 12

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"Ok everyone, we are all stopping there as it's your first day but be prepared for tomorrow, that's when the real fun begins"

The group break out of there line and mingle together to talk. I have to say they all are getting on rather well. The guys have all been well trained and know what they are doing but I must say the girls have shocked me. Considering they have never gotten any proper training they are picking everything up like naturals.

"You ready then?"

I jump at the sudden intrusion of Blazes voice.

"FUCK! You trying to give me a heart attack!" I turn to him with a glare but it fades quickly when I see the stupid smirk in his face.

"Where are we going anyway?"

"On a shopping trip, you need clothes and something for our date" he winks

I can't help but role my eyes and his childish behaviour.

"What about Rick?"

As if on cue rick comes running over to me with another boy following close behind him. They look like they are up to no good with the cheeky grins plastered over their faces. I haven't seen rick grin like that in a long time. I had forgotten just how young he is.

"Ash can I go to Dylan's house now trainings over. Please!"

"Is it ok with Dylan's mum?"

"Oh yes beta, she said it was ok with her if it is ok with you" the small boy shyly smiles up at me.

"Please Dylan call me Astra, and that's fine with me Rick"

The boys run off in the other direction laughing as they both try and overtake the other in a race no one understands apart from them.

"See problem sorted, now lets go shopping" Blaze smirks.

"Oh shopping! I'll come with you!"

Thank Goddess for Holly.


Blaze has been having a small strop for the entire journey. He doesn't like the fact Holly has come with us and ruined all of his plans.

When we eventually pull into the car park I can see this place if full of teenagers. It's kind of intimidating. Not that I'll show that to anyone.

I'm side the shopping centre is even worse. Shops line what looks like a never ending corridor, full of people I don't know where to turn. There are so many sights and smells I don't think I can cope.

Subconsciously I edge my way closer to Blaze. Noticing my movement he wraps his arm around me and pulls me close to his side. Normally I would object but I feel safe right where I am with him and it helps me forget the people.

"Right then, LETS GET OUR SHOP ON!" Holly announces.


Five hours.

I have been shopping for five fucking hours.

I don't know how girls do it. I fucking hate this. It is not for me.

After much protesting on my behalf Blaze has bought me anything Holly deemed necessary  and trust me if Holly had her way we would have just bought the entire place.

I managed to whittle her haul down to a couple of pairs of jeans, some tops, a couple of jumpers and one or two dresses. It still feels like way to much though.

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