Chapter 26

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"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT ASH" Aaron shouts at me before slamming the door of the beta apartment.

A growl escapes my throats unable to control the anger at the way he is addressing me. Immediately Aaron seems to calm down understanding that he has overstepped the mark this time.

Whimpering slightly he bows his head to me exposing all his major organs. A sign of weakness shown only to high ranking wolves close to losing it. I take a few calming breathes.

As if sensing the change in my mood Aaron takes a chance to look up.

"I'm sorry Ash but why didn't you shift? You could have gotten yourself killed, I mean you only just made it out on time"

"I don't know Aaron I can't shift at the moment, I thought it was just a one off but it's happened a couple of times"

"Have you taken one of those pee test things? There's some in the bath..."

His sentence is cut off by a furious looking Alpha entering the room. Lucians eyes had turned the darkest shade of black as he burst into the room swiftly followed by Blaze.

In an instant i was engulfed by Blazes arms. His face buried in the crook of my neck as he breathes in my scent trying to calm himself down. Feather light kisses are placed on my mark causing me to sigh ever so slightly at the electricity coursing through my body from his one touch.


"Alpha there forces have grown and they are mounted in the border ready to attack, there are not yet enough to overpower us but I don't know how many more wolves are going to show up"

"As for your sister I don't know how they got her, but they have and we need to get her back"

"TOO BLOODY RIGHT WE DO!" Lucian once again shouts.

I hear a snarl muffled in the crook of my neck as Blaze reacts to the way I'm being spoken too. His irritation coursing through the mate bond.

"Blaze follow me we prepare for war. As for you Astra stay her and sort yourself out" Lucian snaps before exiting the room.

"Ash are you alright?" Blazes worried eyes bare into my own.

"I'm fine" I smile.

He surprises me by placing a chaste yet firm kiss on my lips reminding me that I have him and reassuring Blaze that I am indeed alive and well.

"I'll be back shortly"

Blaze follows behind Lucian taking the same path out of the apartment.

"Just remember what I said" Aaron mumbles before leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I crumple into a ball in the floor. The homely apartment feeling empty whilst I am here by myself. Rick has been sent away to stay with Blazes mother at the other end of the pack with a better escape route to another territory in the event of an attack.

My thoughts swirled around my head like a vicious tornado, destroying any hope of me being able to think clearly.

Why now? Why me? What have I ever done?

The same questions that had been circling in my head for years now. Through all the pain and the tourment those questions have remained. I can't cope with this anymore. Why would the goddess show me what true happiness is here with my mate only to have it taken away from me.

I re-enforce the mind block in my head that stops Blaze feeling as I am now. Checking its strength before I allow my mind to wander further to what has turkey been bothering me recently.

Why on earth can't I shift?

I search my head for my wolf feeling it's presence indicating to me that it is not lost. That's not why I can't shift so there is only one other explanation.

Wondering my way through the apartment I make my way to the bathroom used by Rick. Blaze never comes in here which is why this is the perfect place for them.

Holly had gotten interested in what they looked like a while back and decided to buy some but then panicked when she thought of how her brother would react if he ever found them so Sasha and I had helped her hide them in my apartment which is why Aaron knows about them I'm guessing.

Pulling the stick out of the box I get to work following the I strictions on the box. Before I know it two lines appear on the side.

My world stops instantly. It's like I have been punched in the gut. All the air has left my lungs leaving me gasping in the middle of the bathroom.

I can't breathe. Panic ensues as I crumble to the floor. This can't be happening. This can't be fucking happening.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!

This wasn't supposed to happen. This was never supposed to happen. This couldn't happen surely.

Why here? Why now, of all the possible ducking times why now?!

Crawling over to the sink I take the stick off the side before turning and leaning back against the wall.

I look down at the stick in my hands and allow my brain time to fully process what just happened.

"I'm pregnant"

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