chapter 25

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As said, I sat there looking at the only person I was supposed to be with. My eyes watered but there was no emotion I could feel.

It's like the silence before the storm. I know there's something that will happen.

They danced and smiled and laughed. They looked happy, its like I am in the wrong place with right people who seem wrong to me around.

My heart thumped in my ears and I couldn't think of anyways to run. The lights turned dim in the hall. People moved and stood with their partners. That's when I noticed an old man on the stage smiling from ear to ear. Even he looked happy. The light of the stage focused on him and he started to speak. I couldn't see Cayden anymore. I searched but he wasn't seen.

" I am so happy to see all of you standing there down looking all happy and cheerful. But today's event is not only for the business celebration. I am going to announce one of the most thunderous news, which will really shake the ground you're standing on. Yes . This news will really shake everything here." the man happily announced, everyone was waiting for his next words. Just like suspense in the movies, he was delaying in saying out the news. I was nervous, not knowing why.

" Today our most handsome and charming youngest bachelor, the one and only Cayden Donovan will get engaged to the most beautiful lady I have ever seen. Alina Samuele." the words were not able to stick in my head properly. I just looked, people clapping and smiling and some even whistling. I just looked. I couldn't move.

What's going on?

How can he get engaged with someone when he's married to me?

After a whole minute when I saw them coming up on stage and putting rings on each other's fingers, I realized this was wrong. This was unfair. I stood up in no time and started to rush towards the stage. But a strong hold on my arm just like before stopped me.

I turned around not liking anything. It was Josie again. She was irritated.

" What's happening Josie? That is Cayden over there. He's getting engaged? Why? " I asked in all one go. She didn't respond but pushed me to the spot I was in before.

" You will know soon. Cayden will tell you everything. And please stop showing your innocence, we all know your not the innocent one. After all the things you have done, you can only be called the villain in our lives. " she said glaring. I was shocked. The words did break me, but not as much as the scene I have seen in front of me just a couple of minutes before.

" W-what y-you mean? " I asked weakly stuttering. I'm not the one to stutter, but this attitude scared me. She looked mad.

" Oh, you will very well know what I mean. " With that, she disappeared into the crowd once again. What is this? What's happening? I felt like running but I can't. There's no place I can be going. So I waited until this celebration finishes.

After two hours or so, the celebration was coming to an end. People were going one by one. What shocked me was, Cayden also went out with his so-called fiancé. He looked really happy.

I wonder if he was tired of me? What if he realized that I was a mistake? But I gave my everything to him. Why will he do that? I hated this feeling. I stood up and Josie came in no time after that. She motioned me to follow her. She wouldn't have been motioning me like that if she knew what I can actually do with her. But my patience stopped me, I wanted to know the answers. I wanted to see Cayden again, just to get my answers.

I went back with Josie. And the familiar place came, the place I have been leaving for a long time now. The place where I first lost my virginity. The list can go on and on. I went inside the house behind Josie.

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