chapter 38

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He stood there with slightly shocked eyes. He didn't expect this. Hell even didn't expect this. His stilled lips curved upward into a half smile and smirk. I don't think I should stay anymore. I stepped backward while facing him. He watched my actions carefully. Then I turned around to reach the door.

" Briar? ...We haven't talked yet." he said hesitating a bit. What talk huh? I turned around facing him.

" What you want to say Cayden?" I asked him tired now. Actually, I was really hungry. I need to eat or else I might faint again. Ugh.

"Let's go to eat?" he asked. What?

" What?" I asked looking at him.

" You're hungry. Let's eat first? " he said choosing his words carefully. He looked nervous ...Wow. Cayden Donovan, the one and only is nervous right now. In front of me. I took my time.

I'm hungry...I really am. But this show isn't easily available.

" Okay." I answered. He wants to talk and I think I want to hear him. Let's see what he wants to say.

We made our way outside the room and out of the hotel. He was beside me. I could smell his cologne and I will be lying if I say I didn't miss it. I missed him... his presence made me feel safe. Like always. But I didn't know that he was the only one from whom I wasn't safe. I signed running a hand through my hair. He noticed my action but kept quiet.

" Why are we taking car?" I asked when I noticed us moving towards his car.

" Because we are going to eat outside." he answered simply.

" We could just walk towards the nearby café?" I asked irritated. He smiled. The same smile I always believed. Guess it hurts more now.

" No, not here. Many businessmen are around here." That does make sense. After all his reputation will be ruined if he's seen in a scandal with an ordinary secretary. His fiancée will know and obviously, he can't risk that. I wonder if he loves her? What about her? Who cares?

I do... maybe. But that'll be utterly dumb of me to actually have feelings for him now. I saw his true colors just some months ago. My thoughts were interrupted when he opened the car door for me. Yeah right... showing how much of a gentleman he is. I slipped into the car not looking at him. After closing the door he walked towards his side of the car. We drove in silence. This felt empty. I don't want to be with him.

God only knows how much I want to throw him out of his own car. That'll be funny. I couldn't help but laugh at my own though. And by the laugh, I meant really laughing out loud in front of him who looked at me with slight confusion. I faced the window embarrassed at my stunt. God.

After some ten minutes, we stopped on some ancient type of restaurant. It looked really good and the smell from inside was everywhere when I opened the door. When I stood outside the car completely after closing the door, a wave of dizziness washed over me. I shouldn't starve like this. I haven't eaten anything after the morning breakfast and it's evening right now. Without noticing a hand wrapped around my waist. I couldn't help but notice how my body reacted towards his touch. The dizziness went away but I didn't want him to move.

I looked upwards at him standing tall starring at me with concern. His concerned eyes looked intense like he's finding something. What's he finding? Wait... what if he finds out about my pregnancy? I don't know why I'm hiding this. He deserves to know, I know...but what if he takes my child away? What if he wants me to not deliver? Obviously, he won't want his marriage life to be ruined if I happen to have his child.

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