chapter 41

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Briar's POV

After a week or so, I shifted to my new apartment. My stomach is a round shape already. Cayden did not meet me. In fact, he disappeared recently. Well, who cares?

The apartment was all set with Sama's help of course. And right now I am feeling hungry. I think I'll order something from outside. I ordered a burger with cocktail juice. After some twenty minutes or so, the doorbell rang. I almost ran towards the door to get my food.

But what I expected wasn't what happened. There stood in front of me. The one and only.

Cayden Donovan.

He looked tired.

" Can I come in?" he asked leaning on the door.

"What if I say no?" I asked back. His eyes were red from tiredness and I knew he needed sleep.

"Then I'll sit on the floor out of your door waiting for you to let me in." He said smiling tiredly. I pushed open the door to let him in. He walked inside my apartment and without asking sat on my couch.

"I didn't tell you to sit." he looked up with sleepy eyes. Maybe I'll fight tomorrow? But what? He can go to any other penthouse of his. He didn't reply to me and before I could sit with him the doorbell rang again. I walked towards the door to open it up.

By God's grace this time it wasn't anyone simply wanting to come to my apartment. I gave the money to the delivery boy and got my burger in hand. Walking back I noticed Cayden slept off on my couch. Without minding his condition much. I filled my stomach before removing his shoes and jacket off so he can sleep comfortably.

Later that night... I had a weird feeling which wouldn't let me sleep.

The thought of him coming back here was obvious. He wanted to talk. But will I be able to forgive him for what he has done? What if the reasons are not much powerful? Whatever it was. I didn't want to think much of it at that time.

On the following morning, I woke up late. It was obvious I will wake up late because of my late night sleep. My head was hurting and I knew I will have to throw up before going anywhere. I took off from the office for a week to set up my apartment. But that wasn't really needed. I could've just gone to the office yesterday itself. But I wanted to take the whole week rest. No one is going to question me about why would I sit in my home if I was done with setting already.

After throwing up in the toilet for a whole five minute I washed up. And then later I walked out to notice some sort of movement happening in the kitchen. Wait... What?

The couch was properly set and there was no trace of any dirt. Cayden was here. Did he go?

I walked towards the kitchen and saw him facing the pan on which he was cooking silently.

He looked toned from behind. His expertise hands worked well. I couldn't help but stare at his back for little longer. I wish I never was one of his revenge.

"What are you doing?" I asked walking over to him. He turned around looking so appealing I could eat him now. I pushed that thought away when I remembered how brutally broken I was.

"I came to see if you are awake. But you were sleeping. I even waited for some time before cleaning up and then finally decided to cook for you." he explained. I turned around and looked at the plates which weren't there anymore that I kept in the sink last night. He did clean up.

"I can cook for myself. You don't have to do things." I pushed him away and took the spatula he was using to flip the pancakes. I cooked whatever was left by myself and served on the plates for the both of us. He was sitting on the chair just watching me.

I sat without caring about him looking at me.

"Eat." I said. We both ate in silence until it was time for both of us to speak. Well? Is speaking the right word?

I took the plates to clean them up in the sink. He should just say whatever he wants by himself. I don't really want to look like I am desperate or something.

"Can we talk?" THE ACTUAL FUCK???? What else are you here for? I turned facing him with the biggest fake smile.

" I hope you didn't plan on having a party at my did you?" I said while cleaning my hands on the hand towel. He stood up and neared me. Today, I wasn't nervous... he was.

" Whatever I did back then wasn't what I wanted to do. I had my reasons." he said. He pulled the chair for me to sit on and I sat.

"Josie... she isn't well. And she wanted revenge as soon as possible in her life. She is having blood cancer. I couldn't just stop her from doing what she waited for so long. I know you were not wrong... but she wouldn't have understood. The spark in her eyes to get revenge from you was stronger than I ever imagined. So, at last, I went with whatever she would say. She made the plan to work at last when I wasn't willing anything like that. Maybe she understood I wasn't ready to hurt you... that is why she didn't let me do much of the work." He explained looking helpless. Josie is having blood cancer?

" I have her reports. I'll show you if you want me to. The fake engagement was also set by her. It ended the next day when you were gone." He continued. Nearing me he fell on knees and held my hands in his. That right moment I felt something move in my stomach. Should I tell him? He deserves to know.

"I know about your pregnancy... I found out. I even know you might get angry but before you do. I just want you to know that I need you. I love you and this child. I want this to be fixed. I am sorry... for everything I have done to hurt you." His eyes were watering and I can't believe he is crying. But before I could wipe his tears off he extended his hand on my face wiping my own tears off? I didn't even notice they were there.

"I f-forgive you Cayden. I forgive you." I said sitting down with him. My hands automatically surrounded his neck. I hope what I did is right. I feel it's right.





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