I want you all to myself

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We soon reached the hotel room and I was so tired. I couldn't wait just go and sleep on my bed. I could still not digested the fact that I actually completed three of my wishes.

Who knew? A girl who was struggling to pay her college fees would be here completing her expensive wishes. Life is strange, you know?

"Do you want something for dinner?" Ayan asked entering the room. He was all clean and dressed up again. How does the man have so much energy? I did not even want to leave the bed.

"I think I will pass dinner, I really want to sleep." I said and he shook his head disapproving my idea.

"You cannot skip dinner. You have got to eat something. You need a lot of energy for this trip." He smirked when he said the last sentence and it took me quite a while to understand what he meant but when I did I just threw a pillow at him and he laughed.

"You are such a pervert, sometimes I wonder how girls tolerate you." I said to him.

"Girls love me and so do you." He said with and wink and I blushed. Did I love him? Too early for that question. Just too early.

"I would like to order two pastas to the royal suite. Make it as fast as possible. Thank you." I heard him say on the phone. This is Ayan Brooke. He will never listen to what others have to say. I knew it was pointless to have an argument regarding this so I just tried to go back to sleep.

I groaned when my phone rang. Why do people have to call at the wrong time? I looked at the caller id and saw it was Dylan calling. You are dead Veronica.

I haven't spoken to him properly at all in the last few days. Whenever he calls me I am either busy or sleeping. I am a terrible best friend. Before the calls ends I decide to pick it up.

"Hello?" I say it rather as a question because I know I am going to get a whole set of sarcastic comments from him.

"You finally decide to answer my phone? How did I get so privileged?" He said, sarcasm clearly heard in his voice. See, I knew my best friend too well.

"I know this is your way of saying you miss me. I miss you too Dylan." As soon as I said that I saw Ayan looks up from whatever he was doing and raises an eyebrow. This was not the time to pay attention to him.

"How are you? I miss you V." Dylan finally said putting all his anger aside. I could sense the sadness clearly in his voice.That was the best thing about him. He could never stay mad at me for long time.

"I am good. I think about calling you so many times but I just end up getting too busy. Life is really stressful in college. I wish I could just be with you and watch Netflix all the time." I told him. I heard Ayan groan on this and that's when I realised how close he was sitting to me. When I picked up Dylan's call I am sure he was doing something with his bag.

"When are you coming home? Jake, your mother and I are waiting for you." He said and I cringed when I heard Jake and mom's name. It had been around four months I had seen them and that has been the longest.

"Soon. What is happening these days? Are you still travelling for your father's business?"

Dylan's father owns a big company and Dylan is currently trying to work there so that he can settle in. He travels all around the world and then comes back and tells me stories about them. I miss his stories. I miss him.

"Yes I am. I am currently in Los Angeles. I had this very important meeting today but now its over so I am planning to just explore the city." My happiness had no bounds when I heard Los Angeles. I could meet him. I could finally meet my best friend. I started jumping so hard on the bed.

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