He can't meet his daughter

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I looked at my little angel as she hoped around my office fidgeting with every possible thing in the room. I just couldn't stop smiling at her and maybe believe that she was mine.

"Hey, how are you holding up?" Elliot whispered to me. Elliot was still by my side. After all these years he never gave up. No matter what happened he stood there like a rock making me overcome every situation that was possible.

"I'm fine." I said with a quick nod making sure not to look at him. I was really scared that if I did look at him he would figure I was lying.

"Are we seriously going to be lying after all these years?" He said and I finally looked upto him and gave him a smile.

"Thanks for picking up Emma. I really didn't feel like leaving my office for a while. Can you take her for the rest of the day? I think I've made Nicole upset and I should make it upto her." I said and his eyes lit up.

"The remaining day with this angel, I can take that over anything." He said and I laughed.

"Emma come here." I said and she came running to me from the couch.

"I want you to spend the rest of the day with your Elliot uncle. Mumma has to do some really important work. Don't trouble him. Okay?" I said and her eyes lit up even more than Elliot's. She absolutely loves him.

"Shall we go my lady?" He said carrying Emma up in his arms. She blushed and giggled at the same time. It made her look so adorable.

"I want ice cream." She cried he in feeble voice trying to make it sound as innocent as possible so that Elliot would give in. That vixen!

"Your wish is my command." Elliot said and I couldn't stop gazing at them. They looked so adorable. He waved me a goodbye and I turned to my best friend who sat there sulking.

"I was thinking we could go to the salon and then maybe watch a movie." I said and she jumped in excitement to give me a hug.

"Thank you. Thank you so much. I know this great movie that has come and I think you are absolutely going to love it." She was practically yelling and I started winding up my things quicker because I knew she couldn't wait until we were interrupted with a knock on our door.

"I am so sorry to disturb you Ma'am but the new investor that you were supposed to meet today says he can't reschedule and needs this meeting to be done today itself. He's waiting in the lobby." My secretary said and I looked at Nicole only to see a sulking face.

"Tell them I'll be in the conference room in ten minutes." I said and she quickly took a leave.

"Nicole, we just have to delay these plans by an hour. Why don't you go ahead and get us appointments? I'll meet you directly at the salon." I said and made an innocent face which I knew she couldn't refuse.

"Fine. But you better be there in an hour." She sulked and left the room stomping her feet. This girl sometimes really behaves like a ten year old child.

I picked up all the important documentation and hurried to the conference room. I told Anna to send the investor in. No matter how many meeting I attend I tend to feel nervous before each meeting. In this hurry a few of my papers fell down and I bent over to pick them up.

"Well, not that I mind the view I am seeing but I thought this was a business meeting." I heard the voice and my body just froze. Every inch of my body was frightened to go back up and see the face.

I slowly went up and opened my eyes to see him standing there. Ayan. The face I was trembling to see all these years was standing right in front of me. My whole body was shaking. I didn't know what to feel at that moment. Everything he had done. That very day came back to my mind all in that one second.

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