Tonight sex on the beach?

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"I cant believe you did this for me." I said still standing on the street in his arms. This was the most beautiful thing anybody had done for me.

"You liked it?" His eyes were expecting a yes and I know how important this was to him.

"Are you kidding me? I loved it. This is so far the best night I have ever had." I got up from his hold and stood in front of him. He looked at me with a smile of satisfaction.

"At last all my efforts are paid off." He gave a victorious smile and my heart melted at the amount of efforts he put for me tonight.

My mind still wondered why he did all this. He put so much for me and I had never thought somebody would do do much for me.

This is like a magical fairytale. I feel like a princess. Everything I ask for gets completed. All because of this one guy. I would do anything to make him smile.

"Lets get going now. I am really sleepy." He said and started walking towards the car.

"Cookie." He called out while I was still standing on my spot and he was near the car. I hurriedly ran towards the car and he opened the door for me.

"Lets continue the 21 questions we were playing."

Great. One moment he is sleepy and the other time he wants to talk about the entire world.

"You can ask me any question." I was in no mood to think of a question. Honestly I was too exhausted but seeing how excited he was to play the game I didn't feel like letting him down.

"Okay. Tonight sex on the beach?"


"You said I can ask you anything right?"

"Umm yeah but not this. I mean we..." I was stuttering in front of him. I didn't know how to react. Is sex that casual? Am I over reacting?

"That face of yours is priceless." He said laughing out loudly and I sighed in relief. The thought of us having sex was so weird as well as exciting.

Oh my God! What is wrong with me? I never think of anything like this.

"You're so mean and that is not a funny joke."

"It is funny to me. Okay, jokes apart. I have a question for you."


"Have you ever been in love? Like any past boyfriends or crushes?" He was hesitating a little while asking the question.

"Yes I did have had a boyfriend earlier." He didn't like it. I could see it on his face. He had an unsettling feeling like he had eaten something bad.

"It was nothing like a relationship. I was in school around seventeen. His name was Lucas." I said and he looked at me blankly.

"I am going to need more than that. Where did you guys meet? How long was it? Why break up? Do you still feel for him?" He said and loaded me with hundred questions.

Why was he so curious suddenly?

"We were from the same school. At first he was really sweet and we started talking. He used to use all those cliche lines and everything a girl wanted to hear. I started liking him. Then when he asked me out I agreed. It was all good for sometime. We spent a lot of time together. I gave all my time, care everything to him. We dated till almost last year. He was like a best friend. Then one day I found out he was cheating on me.." I fell silent after what I said and so did he.

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