Chapter 9 - Unwanted Visitor

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After Hana walked me back upstairs, we talked for a few minutes before I assured her that I was okay and would prefer to be alone for a little while. Although, once she left, I found myself wondering what to do. My mind was swirling with conflicting thoughts and emotions. My mate publicly claimed me and made me his Luna, which made me both happy and upset. He then arrested my father in front of the entire pack, which once again, was both relieving and terrifying.

What was I supposed to think? I hadn't a clue, but then again, I probably should've expected this. My mate was an Alpha, after all.

I couldn't help but wonder where Dean had gone after he shifted, or why he whined so sorrowfully as I entered the pack house.

Part of me was tempted to seek the answer, but luckily, that part of me was still rather small compared to the normal, cowardly parts.

Releasing a rather long sigh, I shook my head and walked to the living room window. It was still very dark outside, as sunrise wouldn't be for another few hours. I knew I should attempt to get some sleep, but I didn't know if that was even a possibility for me at the moment.

I continued to stare out the window, seemingly at nothing, as the darkness seemed to go on forever. I could barely make out the tree line until something caught my eye.

A light glow.

I strained my eyes trying to find the source of the glow, but the darkness was too intense, especially in contrast to the light of the living room.

Then it moved.

As the glowing object moved closer to the pack house, I realized it was a pair of eyes...two different colored eyes.

Dean's wolf.

I froze and stared out the window at the wolf, only to realize he had been looking up at me the whole time. Was he trying to get my attention, or had he simply been watching me from afar?

"Audrey," a deep voice within my head interrupted my thoughts, startling me at first. It took me a moment to realize the voice was Dean's, as I'd forgotten that him marking me provided us with a mind-link.

"Come to me," he requested as I continued to watch him.

"You're angry," I replied timidly. Hearing my mate's voice in my head was a bit unsettling.

"My wolf wants to spend time with you," he insisted as he stared up at me, cocking his head to the side.

I sighed and began fidgeting with my thumbs nervously. I hadn't shifted in so long, and although my wolf was begging to be free, being around Dean in my wolf form brought about all kinds of new anxieties and complications for me.

"I want to be with my mate," my wolf growled at me, finally forcing her way through the wall I'd put up the past few days.

Taking a deep breath, I nodded.

Once I was downstairs, I made my way outside to the main yard where Dean had been only minutes before. Now, however, he was nowhere to be seen. I wasn't sure what made me more uneasy: not knowing where Dean was, or being outside alone in the middle of the night.

Forcing myself to move forward, I slowly walked to edge of the forest, making sure I paid attention to my surroundings. Besides Dean's sudden absence, nothing seemed too out of place. The forest was dark and quiet, other than the sound of insects chirping about in the night.

Sliding behind a tree, I quickly stripped off my clothes, hung them over a tree branch, and shifted into my wolf form. I still wasn't comfortable with the thought of Dean seeing me naked, so I made sure to move as quickly as possible.

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