Chapter 15 - Two-Hundred-Fifty

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The following day, things were quiet around Dark Root. The whippings were over, and Hana and Rhett had returned to Blue Mountain. Pack life went on as usual. I don't know why part of me expected things to be different. I should've known better. The whippings were simply another event that would be talked about for several days before they were put to the back of everyone's mind.

It would likely haunt my dreams for weeks, though.

Our morning was also fairly typical. I got up to cook breakfast and put myself together, while Dean was already up and in his office tending to whatever duties he had for the day. Everything seemed so normal, so casual, but at the back of my mind, a disturbed feeling lingered.

Desperate to redirect my attention, I decided to make a grocery list to leave out for Helen. She checked at the end of every week to see what groceries we were out of, and saw to it that our kitchen was promptly restocked. I felt much more helpful leaving her a list, rather than expecting her to keep up with the kitchen inventory on her own.

After finishing that task, I was once again, at a loss with what to do with my day. Hana was gone now, and I couldn't start my Luna duties until Dean and I had mated and fully completed our bond. I certainly wasn't feeling brave enough to venture out and attempt to mingle with pack members again – not after everything that'd happened last time.

Noticing my drawing pad sitting on the living room coffee table, I decided to work on my drawings again. Perhaps it'd ease my mind.

I settled onto the plush couch and pulled the drawing pad into my lap before grabbing a pencil. The lines and strokes involved in sketching was rather soothing, and made me feel that I could potentially be good at something. I was sure I'd never be an excellent artist, but I could practice, anyways.

I zoned in on my drawing rather quickly. It was the flower that I'd started when Dean first got me the art materials, but I hadn't had the chance to finish it with all that'd been going on. All I'd gotten accomplished previously was the stem, as I'd never decided what flowers to draw. I still wasn't sure, honestly. It was hard to come up with unique images in your mind when you grew up as sheltered as I did.

Perhaps a rose would do. I'd seen photos of roses, and seen them embroidered on various materials, but I'd never seen one in person. Roses were a symbol of love, both romantic and familial. They were more commonly exchanged between mates, especially in the beginning of the relationship, but parents often bought their children roses on special occasions as well.

I'd never been lucky enough to receive one, but I felt I could form their image in my mind well enough to make a nice sketch.

The perfect image of a rose that I was wanting to achieve on paper was completely consuming my mind. I was incredibly focused, determined to make this drawing as beautiful and accurate as I possibly could. I was so focused, in fact, that I completely lost track of time. When you concentrate so hard on such tiny details, it's easy to forget about the world around you.

The sound of the front door opening finally broke my concentration. My head snapped up and I looked over at the front door, wondering who could possibly be entering at this time. I glanced over at the clock and confirmed with myself that it was only about one in the afternoon. Helen didn't make her rounds until several hours later, and Dean didn't make it home until early evening.

But much to my surprise, when the door opened, it was Dean who walked through.

I quickly shut my drawing pad and sat up straight, raising my eyebrow a bit as he entered the room. His right hand was behind his back, and he seemed careful to not let his backside face me as he shut the door behind him.

Luna AudreyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora