Chapter 24 - Heightened Senses

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After what must have been hours of helping Dean with pack paperwork, I truly grew to appreciate all this man did for our pack. I knew he was a good Alpha, although fairly stern, but I'd never even imagined how much tedious paperwork he had to go through every single day. Being an Alpha was so much more than meeting with other Alphas and keeping your pack members in line.

We finally made it to a stopping point, and Dean had Helen prepare and bring us some lunch, despite me assuring him that I could cook us a simple lunch myself. Today, he insisted that I not worry myself with such tasks. Although I was grateful, it was a bit odd being served food by someone else in our own personal quarters.

We sat together at the table and ate our freshly made sandwiches, stacked high with meat and cheese between two halves of a croissant. I was amazed at how Helen could make such a basic meal look so gourmet.

After we finished, I noticed Dean began to look a bit troubled. I gathered our dishes and carried them to the sink, while he simply stared out the window in deep thought.

"What is it?" I asked from across the room.

Dean waited much too long to respond, causing my anxiety to flare back up in full force.

"I've been informed that Silas and Trey have made it onto pack territory," he told me simply, his voice lacking any emotions.

I gasped, standing there with my mouth wide open for a moment, stumped about how I should even react, "How did they make it here so quickly?"

"They must have left as soon as they got the news and likely travelled straight through the night, nonstop," Dean added, finally turning around to face me.

Although he was a master at hiding his emotions beneath his stone hard face, I could feel his worry slipping through. He didn't know what to expect from Silas and Trey's arrival, and that deeply concerned him.

"I'm having my best men meet them at the border. For your sake, they will be welcomed as confidential guests, but if they do not cooperate I can't guarantee their safety," Dean warned.

I swallowed hard but nodded. Although my curiosity to know my father and his side of the family was strong, I knew that when it came to pack relations, these men were my enemies. I had always been a member of the Dark Root pack, regardless of who my mate was.

Dean paused for a moment, likely receiving another mind-link from a guard, and then looked back in my direction, "They're almost back to the pack house. I've instructed for them to be brought in through the back doors and up to the meeting room."

I took in and processed Dean's words slowly. This was it. I was going to meet my biological father and brother – two men who I didn't even know I had any relation to until a day ago. It all seemed to surreal, and although I was nervous, I also craved answers. Would they know why my mother kept this a secret from me? Obviously, they didn't know of my existence until now, or they likely would have come for me as a child.

"You're going to be okay," Dean assured me before picking up some of the files and paperwork that we'd gone through and reorganizing them into their proper folders.

I was glad to know my mate had such faith in me, but personally, I felt like I was edging closer and closer to a nervous breakdown.

"Come on, let's get to the meeting room before they arrive," Dean added as he gathered up the files in his arms and headed for the door. I quickly followed behind, stealing a glance at myself in the hallway mirror as we exited.

Although I wasn't even sure if I'd like these men or not, I wanted to make a good first impression. I didn't want to look like the weak, fragile girl that I once was when Dean first found me. I was a Luna now, and not only that, but I was apparently the daughter of an Alpha.

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