Yard time part 2 || chapter 7

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My smile faded as realisation overcome me,
It was a great sense a fear which I was certain was visible on my face.


I struggled to string together a simple sentence as I was completely overwhelmed by who this man claimed to be.

John Abruzzi.

I had heard all about him before I was incarcerated, he was all over the news how did I not recognise him!

"Why are you mumbling Bella? Speak up for my men." He spoke surely but with a tinge of manipulation and something else which I couldn't quite put my finger on.

I'm so stupid for approaching him, if only I learnt to trust my instincts which was proving a lot harder then anticipated.

Maybe I should just walk away slowly?
Or.... or maybe I could just say I turned to wrong way?.
I will say I mistakenly took him for Michael.

Here goes nothing.

"I'm sorry, I thought you were a frie.... Michael, I didn't mean to disturb you."
I internally praised myself for not stumbling on my words,

But I had a feeling by the sudden change in his appearance that, that wasn't what he expected or the answer he desired...

"Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but your boyfriend there is busy with tbag."
Those words stung as I hadn't been acknowledged as having a relationship since...

Since last time.

"This isn't over, trust me"

I visibly shook.

The words and tbag in the cell earlier just brought back that infamous feeling of insecurity and vulnerability.

I spoke still stuck in my thoughts and before I knew it I was now back in the middle of the yard,
Directly between the blacks and the white the majority of the gangs, but there were minorities as well like the Spanish and 'tbags gang' which was the worst of them all.

I mean what could go wrong? A young white female standing alone in a foreign place vulnerable to the max, beaten and scared.

You tell me.

That was when I saw tbag mimics his action from earlier as if he was oblivious know one wanted his filthy body.

He offered his pocket to Michael.

I felt my legs loose balance but I kept myself from collapsing, I couldn't just stand here and watch Michaels life inside here be flipped upside down.

I couldn't make out what they were saying except I saw Michael murmur something, tbag clench his fists and shake his 'boyfriend' off his other pocket.

Michael's dreamy eyes met mine and if felt as if we had been together forever despite the fact I barely know the 'mystery man' and we were around 100 metres apart right now.

Michaels POV-

I sat down with Sucre on the bleachers, I felt sudden guilt for stranding Emily.

Wait why did I feel guilty?

Why did I feel anything for her, but... but she was so beautiful.

Is so beautiful.

I cant just stop feeling like that, it's not superficial I really do like her, a lot.

"Michael, helloooo?" Sucre continued to wave his hand in my face, when I realised I had been daydreaming about Emily this whole time.

"Uh yeh, yes sorry I'm back. Just thinking about the escape."
I spoke a tad too loud when in the corner of my eye I noticed tbag strutting up to us as if he owned the place, when I realised

These are tbags bleachers.

This is going to be fun...

"Are you boys a bit lost? This is my turf pretty."
Tbag's voice made my ears ring, the pure sincerity I had for that poor boy clinging onto Tbag's other pocket as if his life depended on it.

It did.

"Sorry, I didn't see a sign or your name anywhere."
I spoke with as much confidence I could force through gritted teeth.

That's when I noticed her out of the corner of my eye.


My eyes drifted off again watching her every move, her sudden mood changes and the way her mouth moved when she spoke.
Except she was talking to John which I knew was a bad idea.

Even thought I desperately needed to talk to him as he was a key part in this escape plan.

If only I could tell Emily.

"Pretty, take this pocket and it'll all be ok."
He spoke with his signature evil grin, his hollow cheeks exaggerated and his eyes staring daggers into mine.

That's when I noticed her slowly walking towards us.

Emily's POV-

I was now standing behind tbag but he was relatively so I felt as if I was towering over him. But Michael was there so I felt secure.

Tbag must have noticed me there because he quickly turned around staring at me with a desperate wink, this man really was delusional.

"Well look who we have here, twice in one day? Someone's feeling lucky."

I felt sick to the pit of my stomach.

I kept silent, there were so many things I wanted to say to this pathetic excuse of a man standing directly in from of me.

But nothing ever came out.

"Yard time is over everyone inside immediately."

A distinctive voice I recognised as bellicks spoke assertively over the loud speaking grabbing everyone's attention,
This was the first and hopefully last time I would actually praise bellick for impeccable timing.

Michale and Sucre pondered over to me,
We all let out a sigh of relief I don't think we even knew was there.

Tbag and his 'gang' walked away, he strutted confidently as if everyone was expected to respect him.

Everyone did.

"Hurry up ladies."
The guards spoke to all the men, despite the fact know one actually acknowledges their existence.

As we reentered those same disgusting hallways, the smell overcame us.

I had become clear to me that Michael had earned a level of respect in here, I wondered what he had done to achieve that? It still scares me that I know nothing about this man who I now trust my life with.

Almost on cue as we were ushered into genpop the catcalls and heinous comments were rolling in, That was when I couldn't take it anymore, this place, my life. I wondered how long I could stay like this.

I couldn't take much more....


Hey guys!
I'm finally back with another update and it's a long one as well.
I hope you all enjoy this chapter.

Do you think Emily is coping well??
Comment any suggestions constructive criticism is also appreciated, I reply to all comments.

Also please vote.
Love you all xx

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