Finding out || chapter 8

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As my head hit the pillow, my mind went straight to what ifs.

What if I never got caught up with 'them'
What if I just loved 'him'.

My whole life kept replaying over and over in my head as if to torture me. Show me what it could've been.
It played in slow motion, I couldn't handle anymore stress so my eyelids shut almost instantaneously.


Bellicks voice rung in my ears but the sound eventually died down and only muffled pitter patter of feet entered the walls of our cell.

It was exactly the same as yesterday, my eyes were shut but for some reason my mind was more awake then ever.

You know that moment before you completely fall asleep, you have deep thoughts and you feel nothing but regret and resent for your life and your situation? Well that's what my time in jail has come to.

Endless sleepless nights laying awake, taking everything in.


I heard the creaking of the hunk above me which I knew was Sucre, the metal slightly lowered and hung as he moved around.

But I never saw Michael lay down on the floor.
I wanted to ask Sucre where he was, but I didn't want to disturb him. It was too dark to make out anything in the cell except silhouettes, which were terrifying as I was oblivious to the scene which slowly but surely was about to be unfolded.

My eyes continuously flicked open and shut vigorously, I wasn't even sure why.

Maybe I wanted to see something, something appear. Michael?

I need to stop this. Before it gets too far.

— 1 hour later —

I had finally fallen into a relaxing slumber, dreaming about what my life was before this mess. When I realised the guard walking around past each cell, maybe checking for everyone?



I thought Sucre must be asleep so I didn't wake him instead a rush of adrenaline shot through me as I needed to cover up for Michael.

I momentarily blanked as the guards keys rattling came closer and closer.

I stuffed my pillows into Michael's duvet as I jumped back into my bed, my heart pumping and my body trembling.

The guards footsteps shook the bunk bed as he wore heavy combat boots, he stopped at our cell and taped his flashlight on the bars.

Attempting to wake us up but little did he know only 2 out of the 3 people were actually in the cell.

"Show some skin Scofield!"

I had to think on the spot.

"Boss I think he's just asleep."

Weak response I know, but I was half asleep.

He pondered for a few seconds until slowly moving on to the next cell. When I began to let my mind wonder....

Where was Michael?

I was still trembling with fear, almost ready to settle back down and ease my stress when Sucre jumps down from the top bunk intensely, but miraculously making no noise.

Wait, I thought he was asleep.

That was when I heard the blatant squeak of the toilet and Sucre assisting the push with his own pull force.

My eyes were glued onto the situation no sound escaping my now gobsmacked mouth.

I still wasn't truly aware of the circumstances, what was happening. I mean I had suspicions that Michael wasn't.... wasn't the average inmate as you could call it.

But this, whatever this was. Was a entirely new level.

Something I would never have imagined.

My head was reluctantly dragged away from. Them.

The only other sound heard was the occasional snore or mutter between the cells, I began to wonder if I was really safe here, or anywhere with all matter of fact.

Was I?

That's when I realised how distorted everything was beginning to look, the walls were closing in on me. My head was banging and I was.... fall.... falling! I was falling, all I desired to do was to scream but as usual nothing escaped.

Why did I keep day dreaming! I internally cursed myself for becoming, once again, oblivious and vulnerable to my surroundings.

I was still staring into complete and utter space when there was a sudden turn of events. I looked beside me and not only was the toilet now open revealing a massive, gaping whole.

Michael was also now crouched, sweaty, jaw clenched and panting next to the sink.

But it's what left his lips, the exact words he spoke next which sent my body into turmoil.

"We're going to escape."

Wow! 8 chapters finally finished, thank you so much for 550 reads as I always mention I never believed I could get any views let anyone hundreds. I hope your all enjoying my book and I plan on writing a lot, lot more.

Love you guys xx

A new leaf || Prison breakHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin