Chapter Six

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Namjoon boxed against a boxing ball until he fell down of tiredness. It's his own fault, he thought. He deserved to be hated. He's the one who kills when he wants. Of course his mate would hate him. Who would want a heartless alpha as mate. How stupid could he be, thinking his mate would accept him. Tears vormed in his eyes. Why decided the moongodess that it was smart to give him a second change mate. Namjoon laid on the floor and stared into space. He didn't know how long he laid on the floor, but it was long enough to worry his beta and delta. He heard them calling for him, yet he didn't respond. A door opened and he immediatly knew it was them. "Alpha?" He heard the worried voice of Taehyung. Footsteps came closer and two people kneeled next to him. "What's wrong?" Hoseok asked. Namjoon decided to sit up slowly. He looked at the worried faces of his beta and delta. "Nothing special. Just that I made my mate terrified of me." They shook their head.
"Alpha, it isn't easy for both of you. Since both of you had a rough past. But know that if you want it to work, you should fight for your mate. Show him that he doesn't have to be scared of you. Show him that you want him." Taehyung said.
"But how do I do that?"
"That's up to you. I can't help you with your mate. I have my own problems with my mate." Taehyungs eyes went big as he realizes what he just said. Hoseok slapped Taehyung against the back of his head and whispered 'stupid' in his ear. "Did you meet your mate? When?" Namjoon asked his beta. Taehyung shrugged. "Who is it."
"You don't know him. That's for sure."
"From which pack is he?"
"He has no pack."
"Is he a filthy rogue?"
"No." Tae looked at the ground. Namjoon wanted to ask more question about the mate of his beta, but someone ran into the room. "Alpha, it's the omega. He's in the pack house, but he looks like he's about to have a panic attack." Namjoon didn't ask how the pack member knew where he was. He just got up and wanted to run to the pack hkuse. Just before he left the room Hoseok said: "We brought him to the pack house." Namjoon nodded and then decided to run as fast as he could. His wolf decided to say his thoughts about this idea of Namjoon. He called Namjoon stupid for going to their mate, since their mate is already terrified of them. Namjoon decided to ignore his wolf and he burst into the packhouse. He followed the smell of his mate to the room where he's staying. When he entered the room he saw Jin sitting in a corner with his knees against his chest. He looked so scared. "Jin?" Jin looked up immediatly. His eyes showing how scared he was. His body was shaking and his breathing was unsteady. A worried feeling spread trough Namjoon's body. He walked slowly to Jin. Jin shook his head furiously. "Please don't." He said. Namjoon didn't listen and came closer.
"I won't hurt you." Namjoon whispered. "Why are you scared? Except because of me then."
"I saw the way they looked at me. I don't belong here. I'm better off dead."
"Don't say that. You do belong here." Namjoon said and took a few steps closer to Jin. When he was close enough to Jin, he took him in his arms. Jin tried to break free from the hug, but he stopped when he realized that it didn't help. He gave in and leaned against Namjoon. It felt right, but he still was scared what Namjoon could do to him. ''Why?'' Jin asked. ''Why do you make me terrified at first and then you're so nice. Is this some kind of sick joke, you're playing on me? Are you going to reject me as soon as you're done with me?'' Those words hurted to say, yet Jin said them. He wanted to know the truth. He didn't want to live like this, getting terrified and then feeling safe and comforteble. Namjoon forced Jin to look him in the eyes. ''I will never reject you. I won't hurt you. How can I convince you that I won't hurt you and that I won't reject you.'' Jin shrugged and looked down at Namjoon's chest. He blushed and Namjoon chuckled. ''For now, please just hold me.'' Jin whispered. A small smile came on Namjoon his face and he did what Jin asked. Confused by his own feelings Jin laid his head on Namjoon's chest, while Namjoon was still holding him. His breathing went slowly from unsteady to steady. Jin didn't understood himself anymore. One moment he is terrified and the next moment he wants Namjoon to hold him. Tired from the crying and the fear he felt today, he slowly fell asleep in Namjoon's arms. Namjoon stared at Jin's sleeping figure. He knew that Jin still doesn't trust him, but he will do everything to earn his trust.

Jungkook dropped himself on a chair in the living room and decided to send Taehyung a text about the date when they could drink coffee together. When he pressed send, Yoongi and Jimin walked into the room. ''Do you mind if Yoongi and I go shopping for some clothes for him.'' Jungkook shook his head. He didn't mind at all. He likes to have some time for himself. He could see that Yoongi actually didn't want to go. Remembering that Yoongi said that he didn't want them to spend money for him, he said: ''Does Yoongi want to go?'' Jimin shook his head. ''No he doesn't want to. But I insisted. I just want him to have a few clothes for himself so he doesn't have to borrow ours.'' Jungkook nodded slowly and the other two left the room. Suddenly his phone made a sound and he looked immediatly at his phone, hoping it was Taehyung. But it was Jimin who told him he didn't took the house keys with him. Jungkook sighed and stood up to get something to drink, when he came back into the living room he saw that he had a new text. This time it was Taehyung. He asked him if they could meet tomorrow at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Jungkook smiled and sent a text back that he couldn't wait.

Yoongi and Jimin were walking down the Streets and every now and then they entered a store. ''You really don't have to spend your money on me.'' Yoongi said to Jimin, but Jimin didn't say anything. After, what for yoongi felt like hours, they entered a small restaurant and ordered some food and something to drink. ''Do you really have no place where you could stay?'' Jimin asked Yoongi suddenly. Yoongi looked a bit taken back by the question, but he shook his head. ''I lived on the streets and in the forest for like 7 years now.'' Jimin looked shocked. ''I bet you want to ask why I live on the streets and in the forest.'' He nodded. ''I used to live in group, but i got accused of something I didn't, but it was my word against that from 5 other people. So the leader sent me away. Leaving me all by myself. And now there is no save place for me to stay. So I usually don't stay long at the same place.'' Jimin just stared at Yoongi without really knowing what to say. When their food was brought to their table, Jimin suddenly said: ''You're welcome to stay at my and Jungkook's place for as long as you want'' Yoongi smiled, he whispered a small thanks to Jimin and thought that he maybe had a change for a better life.

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