Chapter Thirty

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Pain. It felt like the only thing in the universe at the moment. It hurt like hell. He forgot how it felt like to shift, since he had never shifted again after his first shift. He barely survived that one. His body was too weak back then. Suddenly fear crept inside of him. What if he didn't survive it? What would happen to Namjoon if he couldn't make it out alive? He wasn't ready for this. He felt himself being lifted from the bed. His body twisting in unnatural ways to free himself from their grip. ''Jin, baby please. We need to get you outside.'' Jin stopped trying to free himself, yet his body was still twisting in an unnatural way. It felt like an eternity to him, but finally he felt the ground underneath him. He could smell the forest and realised he was outside. "Jin, I'm here." His mate spoke, Jin only relaxing slightly as he felt Namjoon's touch. The pain lessened but was still clouding Jin's mind. "You're going to get through this." Fur spread from his skin and his cries pain became louder. He closed his eyes, just listening to his mate's voice, the only thing that seemed to distract him a tiny bit. Black spots covered his vision. ''Jin, please.'' He heard his voice break. ''I need you, please don't give up. I know you can do this. Don't close your eyes. Please'' Namjoon was begging, begging that he would survive. Not caring who saw it, the only thing that mattered was his mate surviving, so that his mate will stay by his side. He couldn't bear losing another mate. Suddenly the pain stopped and he could hear his mate, along with everyone else, gasp. His vision was still a little blury. ''Oh my god, Jin.'' Jin's heart started beating faster. What? Was he that ugly?  ''You're so beautiful.'' He looked at his mate in shock. Did he hear that right? ''Try to stand.'' He did as he was told and clumsily fell back down. Namjoon let out a soft chuckle and Jin could have sworn he heard his mate say cute. After a few more tries he managed to stand on his paws. It has been years since he last shifted. He only shifted once before and he nearly died during that. His body was too weak to shift again. He had already forgotten how it felt like. Does it always feel like that?  ''Don't worry, the pain will lessen the more you shift and in the end you won't feel anymore pain.'' Jin slowly nodded his wolf head. He didn't even know what he looked like himself and he wanted to know really bad. A hand was placed on his head and he looked around startled. He calmed down when he saw it was just his mate. ''You're really beautiful.'' Namjoon said while petting his mate. Jin made an approving sound, which made Namjoon chuckle. It was then that he became aware that everyone else was there too. They all had a smile on their face. Jin felt confused. Why were they smiling? ''Jin, you're really special.'' Taehyung said softly. Jin tilted his head a bit to the side. ''You're a white wolf Jin, they're really rare.'' Jin shook his head. This couldn't be true, they're just messing around. 
''I'll show you.'' His mate said softly. Bones snapped and suddenly there stood a jet black wolf next to him. Namjoon nudged him, a sign that he has to follow him. They walked together, until they arrived at a little lake. The two walked towards the water until they could see their reflections. Jin just stared at his reflection. He indeed was a white wolf. Spotless white, no other color was seen on his fur. It was a very funny look, him standing next to his mate. Jin as bright as the light and Namjoon as dark as the night. It scared him that he was a white wolf. They're extremely rare since they're easy found. It's hard to hide yourself when your fur is white. Only when it's winter and it has snowed, it's easy to hide. He didn't understand how he could be a white wolf. Namjoon's wolf nudged him once again and the two returned to the packhouse. Both of them didn't feel like shifting, one too lazy and the other too scared of the pain. The alpha and omega made their way to their shared room and just curled up against eachother. Both wolves sighing in content and falling asleep against eachother, waiting for what tomorrow has to bring.

Slowly the packhouse started to wake. The omega's already preparing food for those higher ranks. Taehyung and Jungkook were the first ones to wake, Hoseok following right after. Yoongi and Jimin entering the room not much later. The five of them started to discuss the events of last night. Truth to be told, none of the wolves expected Jin to shift, but his wolf was stronger than they thought he was. They're proud of him. Jin's stronger than they thought he was and it makes them proud that he's going to be their alpha  along side Namjoon. As they spoke of those events, Namjoon entered the room with a very tired looking Jin on his back. ''How are you?'' Jimin asked Jin. Jin simply groaned and mumbled a very quiet 'sore'. It wasn't a lie, his body was aching all over. He wasn't used to shift and it was the very first time after his first shift. Everyone's body would ache after their first shift. They continued a very quiet breakfast with every now and then a small talk. ''Jin, I want to introduce you as my mate to the pack and plan the ceremony.''  Namjoon said out of the blue, making everyone at the table gasp in shock. Jin choked out a small 'what'. ''Only if you want to of course.'' Jin could only nod as he was caught by surprise and happiness swirling inside of him together with fear. ''Don't worry, they'll love you.'' Namjoon held Jin's hand and the two smiled shyly. ''I'll announce it later today and then we can plan the ceremony so that you're finally, officially the alpha.'' Jin nodded.
''That sounds good, yet so terrifying.''
''Don't worry.'' Namjoon kissed his mate softly. ''I'll be there with you the whole time.'' Jin smiled softly.
''And we will too.'' Jungkook said, gesturing to Taehyung and him.
''And so do we.'' Jimin said as he pointed to his mate and himself.
''Don't forget me.'' Hoseok said with a small smile. Jin suddenly burst out crying. Crying because of happiness. He never expected to find his mate and find so many people who support him. He felt save and loved since a very long time. He finally has found his happiness.

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