Chapter Twenty-Five

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Hoseok entered the packground with a big smile on his face and panting. ''I found him!'' He yelled as soon as he saw Taehyung. Taehyung looked up from Jungkook and stared at Hoseok confused. ''I found my mate!'' Taehyung's eyes went wide and he hugged Hoseok. ''Finally!'' Jungkook pouted at the lack of attention he got and that his lover was hugging another male. ''What's his name and from what pack is he?'' He asked after letting go of Hoseok and sitting down with Jungkook on his lap. ''Well his name is Jackson and he's not from a pack.'' Hoseok said staring at the sky. ''Then is he a rogue or another creature?'' Hoseok shook his head. ''He's just like Jungkook and Jimin. Human.'' He said with a small smile. ''And he's just perfect.'' The small smile turned into a dreamy one. ''Hoseok is in love.'' Taehyung said teasing. While the two werewolves were into a conversation about Hoseok's mate, Jungkook was trying to get Taehyung's attention. He pouted when it didn't work. Suddenly a plan popped up inside his head and he tried his best to hide an evil smile. ''But I hope he's going to take this whole werewolf thing well when I tell him.'' Hoseok said, feeling sad thinking about the fact there was a change he would get rejected. ''Everything will turn out fine.'' The two males started to catch up between things that happened while Hoseok went on a journey to meet his mate and Jungkook started to wiggle on Taehyung's lap. Taehyung let out a soft grunt and he tightened his grip around Jungkook's hips. ''If I was you, I would stop right now or you're not able to walk for the next few days.''Taehyung whispered in a low voice, in Jungkook's ear. A shiver went down the younger's spine, but that didn't stop him. Suddenly a deep growl came from Taehyung's throat. ''Sexy.'' Jungkook whispered. ''Hoseok, it was nice talking to you, but I have to do something right now.'' The beta stood up and dragged the younger with him. ''Have fun and please don't go too rough on Jungkook.'' The two mates blushed a little, but went to their room anyway. ''Now I have to find Namjoon.'' Hoseok whispered to himself. He hadn't seen his alpha walking around, so he assumed he's in his room. Hoseok walked into the direction of the alpha's room, but as soon as he opened the door, without even knocking, he regretted his decision. The first thing he saw was a naked Jin and Namjoon. Namjoon sensed his presense and shot awake with a low growl and hovered over Jin. ''Back off Hoseok.'' He growled. Hoseok immediatly turned around with red cheeks and closed the door, wanting to erase that memory. A shiver went down his spine as he made his way to the kitchen getting some food for himself.

Yoongi ran through the forest with a wolfy grin, as he was in his wolf form. Jimin laughed out loud while he sat on Yoongi's back, holding onto the scruff so he won't fall off. They did this a lot. Just running through the woods, Yoongi in his wolf form and Jimin on his back. And always at the end of the run they ended up at this one special place. A place they accidentally stumbled upon. It's an open place, surrounded by trees and in the middle is a small, but very clear lake. They stayed there for hours, until the moment the sun started to set. Sometimes they just laid down on the grass, just being lazy. Or other days they were messing around and pushed eachother in the water or they just ran after eachother. Today was just a lazy for the two. As soon as Yoongi shifted back and put on some shorts, the two laid down onto the grass. Jimin laid his head onto Yoongi's chest and Yoongi started to play with Jimin's hair. ''Jimin?'' Yoongi asked and Jimin hummed as an answer. ''Are you sure you want to be with me'' Jimin sat up and looked at Yoongi. ''Of course I am! What makes you think that I don't?'' Yoongi sighed and a lonely tear rolled down his cheek. He quickly wiped it away. ''It's just that everyone around me gets hurt or dies.'' He sighed deeply. ''I don't want that to happen to you. I just know that I can't handle that. Promise you'll never leave me.'' A small smile formed on Jimin's face.
''Don't worry Yoongi. I will never leave you, I can promise that.''
''I'm just scared Jimin. I am scared to lose you like I lost my family.''
''What happened to your family?'' Yoongi took a deep, shaky breath.
''T-they were killed.'' Jimin gasped. ''They were killed right in front of me.''
''I'm sorry for asking.'' Jimin said with tears in his eyes.
''Don't be. There had to come a time where I had to tell you this.'' Yoongi wrapped his arms around Jimin and snuggled his face into his shoulder. ''I just want to tell you the whole story now,'' He mumbled in his shoulder.
''You can tell me, I won't judge you.''
''Maybe you won't, but you will hate me or you'll become scared of me.''
''I won't, just tell me Yoongi.'' Yoongi took a deep breath.
''Well you know that werewolves live in packs?'' Jimin nodded. ''Well I used to until I was ten. On my tenth birthday, the pack got visited by some rogues. They were not normal rogues, but rogues who had lost their humanity. My parents forced me to hide with the other children. While I ran to the safety place, my parents decided to guard the pack house. Before I could reach the safety place I was grabbed from behind. My hand were tied behind my back and out of fear, I couldn't move or speak.'' Yoongi took a deep breath once again and forced the tears back. He wasn't going to cry. He can't show any more weakness. ''One of the rogues threw me on the ground and when I opened my eyes I looked right into the terrified eyes of my mother. The rogues were grinning from ear to ear and they forced my mom and I to look at how they killed my father and after that they killed my mother.'' Yoongi shivered when he saw it all happening again. They had forced him to watch in a way that made his neck hurt. They were beating his father up and when they became bored of them they slowly ripped his heart out. Yoongi can still remember his father yelling in pain and his mother screaming because of her mate's pain. When they dropped his father's lifeless body, they grabbed his mother and just snapped her neck, to end her high pitch screaming of pain, because she just lost her mate. Ten year old Yoongi stared at the rogues and was crying of fear. The rogues came closer and that's when Yoongi shifted into his little wolf form in panic and ran away. He knew he had to run and he knew the rest of the pack was killed. It was only him now, he was rogue now. ''After I ran away, I had to survive on my own. No one wanted to take in a little rogue pup. And in order to survive I had to kill.'' Jimin gasped. ''I have killed so many humans and other wolves.'' Yoongi started to cry. ''I don't know how I can still live with myself.'' Jimin took him in a tight hug.
''It was to survive Yoongi. You don't have to anymore. It's going to be okay.'' Jimin whispered in his ear. Yoongi just nodded and cried his heart out. Finally crying for all the times he had killed someone, crying for the loss of his parents and crying for the memories that still haunted him. And for the first time in a long time ,he had someone that was there to comfort him. Someone that cared for him. And Yoongi wasn't planning on letting him go. Not ever.

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