7: The one with a letter

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The next morning, Bill woke up to the feeling of almost being on a rollercoaster. It seemed as though someone was shaking him relentlessly.

He groaned and rolled over onto his side, but the shaking continued.

"William!" He opened his eyes to see Amalthea's blue eyes looking intensely at him.

"Shhhh." He put a tired finger to his lips.

She pouted before trying another method. She took the pillow from under his head and hit him with it. "It's time to get uppp!" She sing-songed

"Why?" He asked sleepily, rolling onto his back once more.

"You won't believe what I just received." She climbed on top of him, straddling his abdomen.

"What did you just recieve?" He asked, attempting to mimick her Russian accent.

"Apparently there are some rumors going around. Started by Arohk, no doubt."

"What kind of rumors?" Bill asked.

"I got a letter this morning, and apparently my grandmother heard from a 'reliable source'-" she stopped to do the air quotes. "That Vilho is going to propose to you."

"That's great?" Bill asked unsurely. He really had no idea where this was going.

"I think he may be mad about ditching him yesterday." She mused.

"Just so you know," Bill grinned. "Vilho and I really aren't that serious."

Amalthea giggled. "Sure." She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

He laid his hands on her thighs and winked.

"I have to run into work for a few minutes today." Bill pouted.

Amalthea kissed his cheek. "You better get dressed then. It's nearly 9 o'clock." She got off him and landed on the other side of the soft mattress.

Bill's eyes flew open and he jumped up off of the bed, in search room of some clean clothes.

Amalthea watched him with an amused expression as he ran around the room frantically.

He ran down the stairs and past his very confused family who were sitting in the kitchen, Amalthea not far behind.

"Have fun!" She called after him as he ran out the front door.

He came back a few moments later and kissed Amalthea passionately. "I'll see you in a few hours" He said breathlessly.

She smiled. "Of course."

She watched as he apparated from the street with a loud crack.

Amalthea closed the door, smiling to herself. She noticed the older Weasley's looking at her with odd expressions.

"He was supposed to be at work a few hours ago." She replied.

Arthur's eyes widened. "Isn't he going to be in trouble for that?" He asked.

Amalthea shook her head. "They need him too much. Besides, I'm sure they'll know it was my fault."

Arthur nodded a little, though he didn't really understand.

"Would you like some breakfast, dear?" Molly asked kindly.

Amalthea thought for a moment before replying. "What's for breakfast?"

"Pancakes." Molly replied, walking back into the kitchen. Amalthea followed behind her.

She sat down at the kitchen table and smiled at Molly as she placed a large plate of pancakes in front of her.

"Thank you." Amalthea said quietly, her Russian accent was especially deep this morning.

A few minutes later, Sirius walked into the kitchen with a large grin. "Hello!" He said cheerfully. "Beautiful day, it is." He sat down at the table next to Thea.

"Good morning." She said, her mouth quite full of pancake.

There was a long silence.

Amalthea pushed away her plate. "Thank you." The corners of her mouth turned up a little.

"Anytime." Molly smiled.

Amalthea walked back up to her room without another word to either Sirius or Molly.

She walked to the large wardrobe and waved her hand in front of it, filling it with some of her clothes.

She pulled out a long sleeved white and grey v-neck and dark blue jeans.

Amalthea walked into the bathroom and emerged a half an hour later with a clean body and clean hair.

She threw her towel on the floor and pulled on the clothes she had picked out, along with a pair of black heeled combat boots.

She braided her hair into two identical french braids and quickly applied her makeup.

She was due back at the castle soon and she simply couldn't be late.

She did a quick look over herself before grabbing her wand and walking out the door.

Amalthea looked into the parlor on her way out and saw Mr. and Mrs. Weasley speaking to Remus Lupin and Sirius.

"Amalthea." Sirius' voice said as she began to walk away.

She groaned quietly before turning around and smiling. "Yes, Uncle?" She asked in a falsely sweet tone.

"Come here." He patted the seat next to him.

She walked in cautiously. "What's up?" She sat down in the seat next to Sirius.

"What are you up to today?" Molly asked.

"I'm headed to the castle."

Remus nodded. "Alright. We'd like to have a discussion when you get back though."

Amalthea sighed. "Which one? Is this the 'dont hurt my child or you'll regret it' talk?" She asked.

"Well, no but-" Molly began.

"We would just like to see you when you return, please." Arthur smiled.

Amalthea shrugged. "Yeah, sure." She waved a little before heading to the front door. "Enjoy your day!" She sing songed.

She apparated to the castle grounds, before breathing in the fresh air.

She was home.

I am so sorry!
I was so close to making these chapters a week apart but it didn't work out.

In the next chapter:
Meet Arokh and see what Bill and Amalthea do on a day when they're not together.

Don't forget to vote and comment!
Until next time,
Enjoy your week, loves💖

(Also if you're a fellow lover of Draco Malfoy, please do check out my newest story: Broken Together)

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