14: The one with a Proposal

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The holidays came and went in a flash of family visits and continuing the search for the lost queen.

It was mid January before Bill and Amalthea finally had a day to themselves.

Today they were in Bill's flat located in central London. Rain pattered against the windows lightly as they laid in bed, simply looking out the large glass panel. Neither of them felt the need to speak. They were quite content.

As she was in his arms, in the early hours of afternoon, it seemed as if everything in the world stopped.

It was in these moments that they felt as one entity, connected in everyway.

Bill, who was constantly worried for his siblings and parents, some of which who would be coming home for summer in a few short months; and Thea, who was constantly afraid of loosing those she cared for, could finally escape for a short while.

Neither of them thought of the war looming over their heads.

Bills arms were wrapped snuggly around Amalthea's waist as her head rested on his chest, simply listening to his steady heartbeat.

They were happy. There was no where either of them would rather be than here, in this moment.

He summoned some of that famous Gryffindor courage, and the words escaped his lips.

"Marry Me," He whispered, his breath tickling her neck.

It seemed as if she took a moment to comprehend what he had said, but once she had, she looked up at him with those wide blue eyes he could stare into for hours.

"What?" She asked, trying to figure out if he had truly meant what he said, or if it was just in the heat of the moment.

"Marry me." Bill said, more clearly this time.

"B-but..." She paused when he began to move out from under her. "William," she whined.

He had reached to get into his bedside table. He pulled himself back onto the bed and showed her a small box.

Then, he opened it for her.

She gasped.

Inside the small, velvety box was a ring. A beautiful ring.

It had a simple band and a very, very large stone placed in the middle.

"It's beautiful." She leaned over him to see it closer.

There was a pause.

"Are you sure you want to get married now? With everything that's happening?" There were signs of worry on her face, and her accent, which had diminished over the past few months full of worry, was once again harder to understand, as it tended to when she was especially nervous.

"I have never been more sure of anything in my entire life. I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I want to have children with you and I want to grow old with you." Bill said. As he spoke, he sat up, picked up Amalthea, and began peppering her cheeks with kisses.

"Really?" She breathed against his neck.

"Yes. If we don't do this now, we might not ever get the chance. I love you, Amalthea." He kissed her deeply. "If this isn't what you want, all you have to do is say-"

He was cut of by Thea pushing her lips onto his.

Her worry had melted.

"Yes," she whispered against his lips. "I want to marry you, William Weasley."


Ahhhhh!!! It's finally happened!!! They wont get married for a few more chapters, but there will finally be some bonding between Amalthea & the Weasleys.

Also, sorry this was a short chapter...😓

Don't worry, The guy everyone has been wondering about will be introduced (more or less) in the next chapter, where you will all meet a few of Amalthea's closest friends/allies.

Because, as Reggie said, "Look at those closest to you."

Until next time,

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