9: The one with a discovery

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This chapter is a little bit shorter, and I'm sorry, but, it's still great!
Also, happy birthday to meet!🎉

Without further ado,
Bill woke up around 11am the next morning. He reached across the bed without looking up and groaned when he felt the cold, empty sheets beside him.

"Thea?" He whined. "Love, where are you?" He called into the darkness.

There was no reply.

He sat up and looked around the room and realized he was truly alone in the big, Slytherin Green themed room. 

Bill got out of the bed and walked into the bathroom.

He looked in the bathroom mirror, and true to his heritage, his Weasley red hair was sticking up in all directions. He picked up the hairbrush and brushed it before pulling it into a low ponytail.

Then, he changed from his PJs into a blue long sleeved shirt and some jeans.

He ran down the stairs calling "Hello?" in many different voices, all the way down.

"Bill!" He heard his mother's voice shout. "Where have you been?" She asked.

He walked by the portrait of Mrs. Black and saw his mother dusting a bookshelf. "Hey, Mum. I really needed to sleep in."

She smiled. "Would you like some lunch?"

He nodded.

"Well, come along then." She began walking into the kitchen. Bill followed behind her.

She walked into the kitchen and pulled out a chair for him. "What would you like? Perhaps a sandwich?" She asked.

He sat down and nodded. "I'd like that." He smiled. "Do you know where Thea is?"

Molly nodded. "She's at your apartment, I think. She said something about needing clothes."

"I see."

She began pulling out sandwich ingredients before looking at Bill over her shoulder. "Tell me about you and Amalthea."

"What about her?" He asked, though he didn't want an answer.

"How serious are you?" She asked.

"He's not at all! I'm Sirius!" Sirius replied, peeking his head through the door.

Bill chuckled as Sirius darted away.

Molly ignored Sirius, and set a plate in front of Bill, a loaded sandwich placed on it.

Bill smiled and took a big bite. "Thanks, mum." He said, though his mouth was absolutely full.

She nodded absentmindedly and took a seat across from him.

There were a few minutes of a comfortable silence.

"I found something yesterday." Molly said finally.

Bill looked up from his plate. "What's that?"

"I was cleaning up the room you've been staying in," she began. "and I found this." She pulled a small, black velvet box out of her apron pocket and held it out to him.

"Yep." He said simply.

Molly opened it and showed it to him. "It's a ring." She whispered.

"Yep." Bill replied.

"And you're going to propose to her with it?" She asked.


There was another pause.

"Why?" She asked.

Bill pushed his plate to another place at the table, before resting his elbows on the table. "Because I love her."

"William, you barely know the girl!"

"Mum." He whined. "We've been dating for years."

"Bill, I don't think that-"

"Listen." He took his mother's hands in his own and smiled. "I understand you're trying to help me," he paused. "But I'm doing fine on my own, mum. Thea is amazing, and I think I want to spend the rest of my life with her."

Molly nodded slowly. "You're sure?"

He nodded and stood up. "I really am."

Molly smiled and hugged Bill around the middle, as he towered above her.

"It's not like I'm moving away or anything!" Bill continued. "She really does like you. I promise you'll like her too, if you just get to know her."

Molly smiled up at him. "I will try to get to know her."

"Thanks, mum." He hugged her one last time before letting go.


Molly thought about what she just learned.

She smiled at the thought.

She was finally going to get another daughter.

And hopefully, some grandchildren soon.

She just couldn't wait to tell Arthur.

"You should bring her by the Burrow tomorrow, to formally meet everyone. Besides Ron and Ginny, of course." Molly blurted.

"She already met them." Bill looked at her in confusion.

"Yes, well," She paused. Why did she want them to meet Amalthea again? "I think we should all get to know her better."

"Okay. I'll bring her by for dinner tomorrow."

"Great!" Molly clapped her hands together and began mentally preparing tomorrow's dinner menu.

"I wonder what she likes to eat..." Molly thought as Bill walked out of the room.

"I suppose I'll just have to make a bit of everything." She stated aloud.

Yes. That's what she was going to do.

Thank you to all of those who have read this far.
I am very excited to say that I have so many ideas for this story, and I am so ready to have them play out😉

In the next chapter:
A dinner at the Burrow, and Amalthea gets a little more understanding.

Also coming up:
A PROPOSAL!!! (Though I guess you've figured that one out by now😂)

Until next time,

The Black Heiress [Bill Weasley]Where stories live. Discover now