78. Fool For You

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January 11th 2017, London

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off and felt a weird nervousness mixed with excitement all over my body. As I slowly awoke, I realized that, for the first time in a very long time, Harry and I were going on an official date. I was thrilled and anxious at the same time but I was aware that I'd soon calm down and spend a nice day. 

I took some time to get ready, even if I went for a simple white shirt, black skinny jeans look and a natural makeup, because, even if  Harry had seen me at my worst, I still wanted to look cute. I didn't really know our plans for the day since he had organized everything. All I knew was that he was picking me up at 11.30 AM and we were going to have lunch together, before spending the rest of the afternoon/evening together.

Harry and I had been spending quite a lot of time together in the past month. We weren't forcing things, we were just going with the flow and, to be honest, I was enjoying every minute of it. We weren't doing anything crazy. We pretty much stayed in, whether in his house or in my loft, watched movies, cuddled, talked a lot or went for walks around London. And, even if it probably sounded like a boring life to a lot of people, it was perfect for us, since, due to our jobs, crazy was our usual. 

"Are you ready for one of the best dates of your life?" he immediately asked me with an adorable smile on his face as I entered his car 

"I mean... I don't know if we can beat the Michelin star-rated restaurant in Maldives..." I teased 

"We'll see... if I recall correctly you were pretty jealous of a certain waitress who kept on flirting with me... so another one could be a great equalizer, right?" he sassily replied so I gently hit him on his arm, only making him chuckle. 

As he started the engine, Garden, a song from my previous album started playing so I burst out laughing.

"Were you listening to my album, Harold?" I asked with an amused look on my face

"Yeah," he shrugged, "you can change if you want" he giggled 

"I'd like to see you jam to my songs, actually" I smirked

"Remember when we swam in the ocean? Now we know what's deep inside... Remember when we ran in the open? So are we leaving this garden of Eden? Now I know what I know, but it's hard to find a meaning 'cause we don't believe in... this garden of Eden " he sang along, making my song sound better than it had ever sounded. As it ended, I started clapping and he reacted by shyly showing me his cute dimples. 

"I miss being on stage soo much!" he groaned

"Because you're vain and you miss having girls squeal at everything you do" I joked

"Shhh," he said, "this is one of my favorite songs of the album," he said as the Homesick piano intro started playing, "sing it to me?" he requested so I did. For some reason, as I kept on singing, he started feeling emotional, and it was showing on his face.

"There's a crack in my window, a bird in my room... angels all over that watch over you... when I'm walking on water, all my dreams have come true... still nothing means nothing, without you" he joined me, singing Chris Martin's part, "you give me a reason something to believe in, I know, I know, I know... You give me a meaning, something I can breathe in, I know, I know, I know... it's a bittersweet feeling, longing and I'm leaving, I go, I go I go... but I wish I was there with you"

After our stirring duet, we stayed silent for a while before he finally admitted, "I was the one writing this song and requesting it to be anonymously sent to you... Simon and Chris are the only ones who know... but I thought you deserved to know too",  making me feel even happier than before. 

How would you feel? (Harry Styles) || COMPLETEDUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum