83. You're My Home

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February 1st 2017, New York

As I opened my eyes to the sound of my alarm, I immediately switched it off and rolled out of bed as quietly as I could. I sneaked out of the room, managing to somehow not wake Harry up, and walked downstairs, feeling pretty proud of myself. 

It was Harry's birthday and, since we had been spending every day together, I had had to secretly order some of his gifts online, especially one. I had arranged the delivery at 7 AM since I had to get everything ready so I was, indeed, patiently waiting in his living room. I hadn't organized anything crazy, to be honest, but I was pretty satisfied with my presents. The majority of them were kind of small things, but they very meaningful to me and, hopefully, to him too.

After settling everything, I went ahead and started making pancakes and black coffee, just as he liked it. The initial plan was to have breakfast in bed so, as I was climbing up the stairs with a tray in my hands, I felt pretty good. 

"Good morning, love" I entered Harry's room and noticed he had just woken up, "happy birthday!"

"Thank you" he grinned, "I'm so happy today... this is my first birthday we get to celebrate together" 

"It is" I nodded, "so... how does it feel to be old?" I teased since he spent the last couple of days complaining about how old he was getting,

"I mean... my back hurts a little already so a massage would be really nice" he playfully replied, "but first, I wanna eat," he licked his lips "I wouldn't want my pancakes cold on my birthday". I burst out laughing as he grabbed his dish and someway put a whole pancake in his mouth. He stared at me with a questioning look which only made me laugh harder, 

"We don't mock the birthday boy now, do we?" he said, after swallowing the whole thing

"I don't see any boy in this room" I shrugged, "I only see you... and you're an old man, babe" 

"Oh shut it," he snorted, "if I'm I'm not tickling you right now it's just because your pancakes taste good and I..." he started saying but was interrupted by my phone ringing,

"Hello?" I replied since I had seen it was Pat calling me 

"Jade, we finally have good news," he said, "we were able to get a five-year restraining order against Casper for both you and Harry" he continued, "and, as you asked, you won't be reading about this on the news because we were also able to keep everything on the low profile" 

"Are you serious?" I squealed

"I am very serious, yes" he replied and, from his tone, I could tell he was smiling, "on a lighter note: we have just noticed that you've become the most followed person on Instagram, surpassing Selena Gomez, so it'd be nice if you posted a selfie or something thanking your followers"

"What?" I squealed again, "this day couldn't get any better!" 

"I know, hun. I have to go, I'll see you next week in London... Oh, wish Harry a happy birthday for me" he said before hanging up. 

"What got you so hyped up?" Harry sweetly smiled, before sipping his coffee. As I told him the great news, his grin grew wider and wider

"Best birthday gift," he said as I finished my explanation,

"Yet" I winked, before giggling

"You know what we could do to celebrate?" he asked, "take a nice bath together," he said, before taking my hand and dragging me out of bed, towards the tub that was in front of the window. He turned on the water and turned around to face me again. He put his hand on my waist, pulled me closer and placed a sweet kiss on my lips. I placed my hand on his cheek and, obviously, kissed him back. By then, kissing him felt like home. His hand slowly traveled down my body, perfectly following my silhouette, until he reached the edge of his t-shirt I was wearing to sleep. He took it off, leaving me in my panties and bra, 

How would you feel? (Harry Styles) || COMPLETEDWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu