the pact | two.

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"Good Lord," I muttered as I ambled down into the dugout, frustration so pent up that I threw my helmet to God knows where. My first game back since my knee injury was not going well—four strikeouts and counting. Defensively I'd held my own, but we were still down 0-2 to the Pirates in the bottom of the 6th. I felt like the pressure to succeed was on my shoulders, even though the guys have told me time and time again that that's not the case.

"Something bothering you?" Jayson came to stand beside me as we both looked out in the direction of center field. Anthony swung at a low curveball that hit the dirt. Strike two.

I huffed, leaning on my elbows. "Don't feel like talking about it, Werth."

Jayson chuckled, clapping me on the shoulder as if to placate me. "If it helps, the last time all my thoughts were on a pretty lady, I married her. So don't sweat it, alright?"

I stiffened. "Doesn't help, but thanks for trying."

I wondered how he guessed I'd been thinking about Cass, but I let it slide. The cameras were likely on us and so I went to sit and catch a breather. The nature of me and Cass' relationship hadn't changed much, except that we'd somehow grown even closer than we'd already been. But that presented a problem as the weeks continued to pass and I hadn't actually found a girl I was into that wasn't gold digging or looking to score a one night stand and brag about it to her girls.

The problem was that I was...starting to feel something for Cass. I wouldn't describe that something as feelings, because feelings delved too deeply and I hadn't reached that stage. But here lately I found myself noticing how pretty her smile was, how much I loved listening to her talk about her dreams, or how ambitious she was.

So, yeah. Not feelings. Just...tremors. Yeah, that's what I'll call it.

"Bryce, come on." I snapped to attention as Jayson's voice pulled me out of my thoughts. "We're back on defense."

I nodded and picked up my helmet from where it'd landed earlier, determined to focus on the game and put Cass out of my mind. As hard as that would prove to be.


When you're up to bat at any point in the bottom of the 9th, you can almost sense that everyone in the stadium is holding their breath. We'd been going back and forth since the top of the 7th, trading runs and even a couple homers, and now the score was knotted at 8. I was looking at a 1-2 count, one out, and Jayson on first. This was it, the moment of truth. If I didn't get an RBI, we might as well add another loss to the column.

I stepped back, took a couple of practice swings, then walk back up to the box. Some guys altered their stance in order to get a better hit, but I never did. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. I inhaled sharply, waiting for the pitch, the crowd noise around me fading as I honed in.

A fastball came straight down the middle. With everything in me I swung as hard as I could. Then–


That bad boy went sailing through the air towards right field and I took off running, Jayson at least three paces ahead of me. We didn't have to run long and as I rounded third, I let out the loudest scream for joy that I could. Nothing like a walk-off home run.

The guys all came up from the dugout and ambushed me, jumping up and down as we celebrated yet another win. I screamed even louder when Jayson and Trea poured a bucket of ice water over my head. Douchebags, I thought to myself. I couldn't help but love them.

An hour later after I'd given postgame interviews in the clubhouse and showered, I went back out to the first tier of seats near right field to sign some autographs. My handler, Sasha, a petite blonde with a bright smile walked in stride with me, engrossed in her phone. People often underestimated her because of how nice she was, which is why I liked her. We'd grown close, not as close as Cass and I, but close enough for dating rumors to spark. Maybe Sasha's who Jayson assumed my mind had been on earlier? Who knows.

"There are about half a dozen kids and their parents up there, Bryce. I'd say you can stay as long as you like, but security is always crabby. We'll just play it by ear." Sasha informed me as we finally reached section 102.

"Sounds good." I answered.

"Oh, and Cass is there too. She brought her godson."

"Really?" I smiled, remembering when I first met Brayden. "It's been a while since I've seen the little guy. Great."

"Boy, from the way your eyes lit up when I mentioned her, I'd peg you as one whipped boyfriend." I stared after her in disbelief, cheeks flaming in embarrassment. First Jayson, now Sasha? I really needed to get a grip, and fast.

Park security cleared the way for us and I put on my movie star smile once the kids noticed me and promptly started squealing emphatically. "Hey guys, how you doing?"

"I caught your home run ball!" A brown haired girl who couldn't have been any older than eight exclaimed. "Well, my dad caught it really but he gave it to me."

"That's amazing, sweetie. What's your name?" She told me and then I signed the ball for her, moving onto the next group. Ten minutes later I'd reached the end of the row where Cass and Brayden stood. She beamed me a smile and gently pushed her godson forward. "Brayden! What's up, man? How you been?"

"Good!" He gave me as firm a handshake a 10 year-old could muster, joy radiating off his face. "We were screaming so loud when you hit that homer!"

"I'll bet you were," I chuckled, twirling the Sharpie between my fingers. "You got anything for me to sign, buddy?"

"No, but Cassie said maybe you'd be able to take us out to dinner..."

"Did she, now?" I raised my eyebrows and caught her gaze. "Well, I've rarely been able to say no to your godmom, Bray, so I guess I'll be taking you guys up on that."

Brayden pumped his fist in excitement, getting a head start as the small crowd began to disperse and head toward the exit. Cass brought up the rear and fell into step beside me, Sasha in front of us. "So you're making plans for me after a game now, huh? Sounds like a wifey thing to do. I'll buy you a ring in a couple weeks."

"Shut up," She glared at me for a moment and then smiled once I put my arm around her shoulders and hugged her close as we walked. "You'd better be glad you won the game, I was preparing to roast you if you hadn't."

I laughed. "I'll take that as a compliment, babe. So where am I taking you and Brayden?"

"I don't know, somewhere close by. I'm not trying to keep you out the rest of the night, I know you're tired."

"True, but I'll be in good company, so it's fine." I looked down at her and she glanced up at me at the same time, and we both smiled. My heart kicked up a notch and I had to look elsewhere before I did something foolish.

Sasha was right. I'm definitely whipped.


NATIONALS WON TONIGHT! I'm so happy. Bryce hit a two run HR to tie it up, then Zimmerman capped it off with his own. I was screaming so loud y'all, lol. Anyways what did you think about this chapter? Lemme know! Hoping to get to 300 reads!

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