the pact | ten.

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This time last year, I was dating an Instagram model, pining after my best friend, and trying to get my team to the playoffs.

Now it's March; a new season is here for the Nats, Bella has probably moved onto the next rich athlete, and I...well, I am trying to figure out the best way to pop the question to the love of my life.

I knew that Cass wasn't the type of person who liked surprises. If something was going to happen that involved her, she needed to know the details. But not this time.

I'd bought the ring last week right before a team road trip to Cincy. Anthony asked if I needed help with planning the proposal, but I declined. I wanted to do this myself, and make sure it was the most special it could possibly be for Cassandra. She deserved nothing less.

But now her birthday was a week away, and I still hadn't thought of anything. And since we lived together, it was getting increasingly harder to keep the ring hidden. I always managed to play it cool, but I knew she would start asking questions sooner or later.

We had a three game home stretch against the Mets with batting practice every other day up until game day. During one of my breaks I decided to call Dad and get some advice on the matter. I mean, he was in this position all those years ago, right? So who better to ask?

He picked up after two rings. "Bryce! What's up? I thought you guys had practice today."

"Hey Dad and yeah, we do, I'm just on break. I actually had a couple questions for you."

"Alright, shoot."

I ran my fingers through my hair. "How did you know when it was the right time to propose to Mom? And how did you end up doing it?"

"You want to ask Cassandra to marry you? That's great, son!"

"Is that Bryce?" I heard Mom's voice in the background.

"Yes, and he's going to propose to Cassandra!"

Mom screamed. "Oh my God! I'm so happy for you both. When's the wedding? Oh, Britt and I are going to have to start planning a bridal shower—"

I laughed. "Guys, slow down. It hasn't happened yet. That's why I'm calling."

"You know how your mother is." Dad said with a chuckle. "I'm not sure how I knew it was time, Bry. We'd been dating for about a year and a half. I wasn't thinking about marriage, but your mother dropped enough hints so that I would get the idea."

"Cass has barely mentioned it, honestly. I'm sure it's been in the back of her mind but she hasn't suggested anything. Either way, I want it to come as a complete shock to her. I know she's going to say yes, I just want it to be the perfect setting."

"I see what you mean. Don't try to force perfection though, because something's liable to go wrong and you'll feel embarrassed." He paused for a moment. "Okay, how about this. You guys have a game tomorrow, right? Why not set it up so that she throws out the first pitch? They usually have one of the players accompany the guest out there anyways, so just make sure it's you. She turns around and you'll be down on one knee. Place will go nuts."

My eyes went wide. "Dad, you're a genius."


My heart felt like it was in my throat. I kept running over in my mind all of the details, to make sure everything was in order. I knew not to expect perfection, of course, but I needed this go off without a hitch.

I'd flown in my family on short notice so that they could be here in person, along with Aaron. I would've asked Mr. and Mrs. Davis as well but she wasn't up to traveling. Her cancer had gone back into remission, which was a huge relief for everyone, Cass especially. I'd made sure that they were able to watch the goings on via livestream. Essentially everyone that Cass loved and cared about would be watching, and on top of that my teammates and the fans.

I was more than ready. I'd never been more sure about anything in my entire life. Marriage was a huge step, but an important one and one that I knew I couldn't wait to take. There was no question that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with my best friend. And now I was a few minutes away from walking down that path.

Our PA announcer came over the speakers briefly, followed by Led Zepplin's "Immigrant Song" which signified that we were supposed to come out onto the field. I was purposely supposed to be last, so that by the time the guys were done warming up, it would be time for the first pitch.

I patted the pocket of my pants to ensure the ring was still there. I had no idea what I was going to say to Cass or how I was going to say it, so I prayed that the words would come to me at the right moment and time.

"And now, here to throw out the first pitch of the game, let's give a big Nationals welcome to Cassandra Davis!"

My stomach clenched. I let out a sigh and crept closer to the edge of the tunnel, peering out. Cass wore one of my jerseys and a backwards Nats cap, looking fine as ever. I couldn't keep the smile off my face. She had no idea what was coming.

One of our mascots handed her the ball and I immediately got in position to walk out. She started to wind up and I quickly walk the length of the field to the mound right a few feet behind her.

Cass wound up and threw the ball as hard as she could—it hit the dirt faster than I run between bases. I stifled a laugh. It was cute, I had to admit. God-awful, but cute.

The crowd politely cheered and as the jumbotron switched to an angle of the pitcher's mound, I pulled out the ring and dropped to one knee.

"Oh what do we have here?!" The announcer exclaimed as the crowd realized what was going on, cheering even louder than before. Cass turned around and finally noticed me standing there, her eyes going wide and hands flying to cover her mouth in shock. Yeah, I'm going to remember that look forever.

Someone gave me a mic; I don't know who. Even though we were in public, all I could focus on was Cassandra. Fitting, because that's all my heart could focus on, too.

I cleared my throat and started speaking. "Uh, hi everyone. I know you guys are looking forward to the game, but this whole thing has been a week in the making. And since it's my lovely girlfriend's birthday tomorrow, I decided to give her an early present."

More cheers rang out. Cass had already started to cry, and no matter how many times she tried wiping her cheeks the tears kept coming. "Cassandra, we've been through hell and back together. A year ago, I wasn't in a good place but the one constant was you. It has always been you.

We've been best friends for such a long time that I never envisioned falling so deeply in love with you. And it's never only been how beautiful you are, but how sweet your spirit is, how kind you are, how much effort you put into your work and career." I paused and felt my eyes well up. "Cassandra Elise Davis, will you—"

She screamed yes before I could finish the sentence. The roar of the crowd was about the same decibel if I'd hit a home run. Except this feeling was one hundred times better. I slipped the ring onto her finger and then gathered her in my arms, lifting her up off the ground.

"I love you," She whispered after I'd set her back down. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me down for a kiss that made my heart soar. "I love you so much."

Now there was a wedding to plan.

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