the pact | five.

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I stopped packing momentarily after Bryce texted for me to open the door and let him inside. I set my duffel bag down on the couch and went to unlock it. "You have a key, remember?"

"Good to see you, too." He joked, shutting the door behind him. I offered him a hasty apology before turning back to the multiple tasks at hand.

"I'm just trying to focus and make sure I have everything, you know? I don't wanna forget anything." I ran my fingers through my hair, surveying all the clothes I had strewn about the living room. I wasn't planning on staying in Pittsburgh for too long since I had to work, but you could never be too sure.

Bryce set his suitcase against the wall and strode over to where I had all of my clothes laid out. "What do you need help with?"

"Uh, I've packed everything except underwear." I replied, giggling once Bryce's face turned a light shade of red. "Thanks for the offer, though. I'll be ready in ten."

"Okay. Our flight leaves out of BWI at 8, so it's probably best to head straight there." He maneuvered around me to sit on the futon, pulling out his phone. "Have you talked to your dad? He knows we're coming, right?"

"Yep, and he's been telling me nonstop to thank you for skipping the game for us." I sent him a smile before zipping up my toiletry bag. 24 hours later and I was still amazed at Bryce's selflessness towards me and my family. "How did I get so lucky to have you for a best friend?"

"I'm the lucky one, babe."

My heart fluttered, like it always did, when he called me that. If this setback with my mom's illness hadn't come up, I would've told Bryce yesterday that I was officially putting an end to our pact. Not because I'd started dating someone, but because I wanted to be with him.

But so much for that conversation. It'd have to happen another day, because as always Mom's health came first. She'd been battling breast cancer since the year I graduated. I hated to see her go through it, and hated even more that I wasn't able to be by her side constantly like my brother Aaron was. Several knee injuries prevented him from successfully entering the major leagues, so he ended up moving back home and coaching the team at his old middle school.

We thought it was in remission as of two months ago, but as fate would have it, that wasn't the case anymore. I can't remember how many times I'd prayed through my tears for God to spare her just one more time. They say you don't know what it's like to lose a parent until it actually happens, and I'm not prepared for a life without my mother even though cancer doesn't care about my feelings.

I suddenly felt Bryce wrap his arms around me; I hadn't even realized I'd been crying until he brushed my tears away. I sniffled, shaking my head. "Sorry. I'm a mess."

"Don't apologize. Everything's gonna be okay. If your mom is half as strong as you are—and I know she is—then she's gonna be fine." His lips touched my forehead and the feeling of warmth spread from my chest all the way down to my toes.

"I don't care what you say, Bryce. I'm the luckiest between the two of us."



Our plane landed in Pittsburgh at around nine that evening, dropped our bags off at Cass' parents' place, then headed straight to the hospital. Other than the times the guys and I played the Pirates, I rarely visited Cassandra's hometown. Aside from her Mom she didn't talk much about it, but I assumed she preferred living in D.C. now. I did too.

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