The Southern Dream

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"You can't keep doing that to him Lexi" Matt groaned.

As Matt and I walk through the town center a group of children playing catches my attention as they throw themselves into the pile of crisp autumn leaves. I smile to myself when I see the little girl squeal with laughter as brown and red leaves rain around her. Some catching in her pale blonde hair.

What I would give to be that small again. So young. So oblivious. So free.

When the world seemed so innocent and you thought the monsters were just stories made up by parents to scare unruly children. The desire to live life as carefree as those children runs through me like an electric current. Instead I am trapped by the suffocating fear of the unknown.

I clutch my jacket tighter as I shiver at the thought of them. Knowing that they are so close. Just lingering at the border waiting for their chance to strike. To rule over the East as they do the west. It's a fear that we will live with each day, knowing that our lives can be forever altered in the blink of an eye.

Matt brings me out of my fear filled thoughts as he grabs the top of my arm roughly to get my attention. "Lexi, I know you don't want to face reality, but you need to take Brian up on his offer. He can protect you, there's been rumors of a truce Lex." my childhood best friends voice is filled with so much grief and anxiety. The pain and worry are evident on his face.

He is afraid of losing me like he lost his sister.

I reach my hand up and brush the dark brown hair out of his face. He is really beautiful for a man. The girls in our town are constantly after him, but non-know him like I do. He's probably the most sought after eligible man, but he will never put his heart out there for them. Not when he knows something is lurking in the shadows to take us away. Like they took Amelia.

"Matt, you are being paranoid. The Council said just last week, that the West is retreating. I'm not rushing into a marriage with Brian of all people in hopes he can protect me from something that might not even ever happen!" I practically yell out. I'm shaking at the end of my little tantrum

"And you know what else? I'm so tired of being told I need to be married! What will that do? If the Lycans do invade how will marriage stop them? Do you seriously think they will obey OUR customs?" I'm right up in Matt's face, not taking my eyes from his green ones as I say the truths that haunt my dreams daily.

One of the children nearby screams and runs as her brother tackles her small frame into the pile of leaves. Her screams giving over to fits of innocent laughter. Matt tears his eye from mine to watch the scene unfold, his lips turning up into smile. Then he sighs and turns his piercing green eyes to me

"You're right Lexi, we don't know what will happen" He says solemnly. I cast him a smirk at him, knowing I won this battle once again.


I groan at that word and wordlessly continue walking down the path kicking the read and burnt orange leaves in front of me. Waiting for him to continue his lecture that I know is coming.

"You can't keep putting Brian off. If you don't want him then be honest. Don't drag him around as a backup plan." His words carry a heavy weight. He's friends with Brian and cares for him. He's trying to look out for both of us.

Brian is a good man. He is 7 years older than me but he would definitely provide for me as he is in the Guard, but I just don't have that attraction to him. I should be smart and think of my future, but when there is so much unknown in this world I don't want to think with my head.

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