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I'm exhausted as we start to approach the outskirts of what I assume to be Riverrun. Matt is silently walking next to me glaring at Joshua and Marco. They have been in a heated conversation for the past hour. I tried to make out what they are saying, but I could only hear random pieces. I heard Marco say something about 'That was never the plan' after that they started talking in hushed tones, so I gave up.

Pain radiates through my arms and legs as the forest takes its toll on my body. I'm starting to feel delirious from the lack of sleep. When we stopped to make camp last night I was startled by every little sound. Every time I closed my eyes I was met by a pair of furious glowing eyes. Eyes I assume belonged to the king. The thought of king's fierce face sends a shiver down my spine. Matt looks just as exhausted. His eyes have dark circles under them and his face is ashen. Last night, whenever I looked at Matt he was staring out into the forest; I don't think he slept at all.

We have been walking since day break and now the moon is high in the clear sky. It's shining brightly guiding our way through the Forrest. It's becoming cooler and my light jacket is not enough protection from the wind. I try not to shiver, but the cool air whips at my skin causing my teeth to chatter.

This catches Matt's attention and his green eyes flash towards mine. He raises a think eyebrow at me and mouths 'cold?'

I nod at him, as the lights up ahead catch my attention. The Forrest is enveloped in bright lights up head. Moving closer to Matt I see that there are three pickup trucks up head; bright lights cast towards us, blinding us.

The men behind us roughly grab our shoulders, and pull us to a stop. I look behind to see Sasha glaring at me while her hand has my shoulder locked in a death grip.

"Don't move" she commands as she stares ahead at the figures climbing out of the trucks.

Fear courses through me as, 4 more men join Marco and Joshua, these men look even bigger than Joshua and don't seem to happy to see him.

They start to walk over behind a man, and Joshua looks pale as fear flashes across his face. I don't know who this man is but I can tell he is someone I should fear.

He comes closer and his eyes flash from black to gold. He's a wolf. A Beast.

What the hell is going on? Why is he here with Joshua? Why the hell would the wolves work with the resistance? Confusion must be evident on my face because the man looks at me and starts laughing.

"Yes dear, I'm a wolf; a savage as you humans say" He says with a wicked gleam in his eyes.

Matt cuts in and glares at Joshua as disgust laces his tone. "Resistance? You're supposed to be the fucking resistance, yet you are making deals with the enemy?"

The wolf is in front of Matt in a flash, causing me to scream. "Please don't hurt him, please!!".

Tears run down my face as the wolf wraps his thick hands around Matt's throat. "If you value your pathetic life, then I would watch what you fucking say next" he spits spit venomously. "I can't snap your little neck like a fucking twig, and no one would even bat a fucking eyelash. Your pretty little girlfriend would be next, right after I take my time enjoying her lovely little body" His face lights up in a sick smile as he glances towards me.

His words are like a bucket of ice hitting me. I am frozen in fear as I think of this deranged beast touching me. I don't hear Marco come up behind me until he leans into my ear startling me.

"Don't move" he whispers into my ear. "This was not the plan Lexi, I never wanted you to get hurt. Demetri is dangerous, I didn't know Joshua was involved with him and James. I would have never handed you over".

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