Games We Play

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Soft sheets and the best damn pillow I have ever laid on keep me from opening my eyes.

This isn't the fucking forest.

Memories of running from the King, and him finding me, keep my eyes shut.

Don't open them Lex, it's not real, just keep dreaming of the sheets. It's just a dream.

Finally getting the courage to open my eyes, I slowly open one eye. Light floods my vision, causing me to close them quickly. Bracing myself for the blinding light, I slowly open both eyes.

Immediately I'm met with a large floor to ceiling window that overlooks an entire Forrest.

No escape

Feeling a surge of emotions, I begin to breath hard and fast. The room starts to feel small and I close my eyes counting slowly.

Come on Lex, Hold it together. Breathe just breathe. Matt, I hear Matt's voice trying to calm me down.

Taking deep breaths, I calm down. God Matt, where are you, and where the fuck am I?

I try to take in my surroundings. The walls are dark grey, and the furniture is a dark espresso color. A mirror stands on the wall next to the door and I catch my reflection. I look terrible my hair is greasy and matted in the back. My blue eyes look dull and sunken. My once glowing skin looks ashy and sullen.

Not being able to handle the sad girl in front of me I close my eyes and take a deep breath

Where the fuck am I?

I try to get up wincing in pain as I put weight on my leg. Desperately trying to find a way out of here. I hobble over to a door by the window and walk out onto the attached balcony. Instantly the cool air whips at my face, and I shiver as the cold assaults my bare arms. I don't care though I need to find a way out of the place. I have no fucking clue where I am, but I pray I'm not in the Western Kingdom.

I need to find Matt, and oh God, Brian. He was so hurt; I don't even know if they are still alive. I need to get out of here and find them. Get it together Lex!

As I walk closer to the edge, I feel a hmm of electricity run through me which causes me to be nervous. I feel someone else on the balcony with me.

Its Him.

Too scared to face him, I continue forward. I can hear a crowd begin to cheer below and loud drums starting to beat. My heart is racing as the drums get louder.

It's like they know something I am not privy too, but my gut is telling me I know exactly what it is.

Three more steps and I'm at the ledge. The cheering has become loud and wild, howls join in with the drums.

"Go on mate, your people are waiting for you" his husky voice caresses my ear as I feel his heat right behind me.

I still and my breath catches.

"They are not my people...Wolf" I grit out between clenched teeth

I feel his chest rumble behind me. "Hmmm Mate, I stand corrected....Our people wait below"

I flip around and face dark piercing green eyes etched into a perfectly sculpted face that looks like a fucking God; too bad his soul belongs to the devil himself.

My chest heaves as I push him back from me. "There will never be an us. Just because you dragged me here kicking and screaming and chased me through half the fucking country doesn't mean shit! And FYI just because your wolf thinks I'm his doesn't mean shit to me either! You can force me to be yours, but you will never be mine."

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