Second Chance

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It has been four hours since I discovered that I may be the Kings mate, four hours since my world completely shattered around me. I refuse to think that my future is set in stone, just because the king thinks that I'm his, doesn't' mean he will find me.

Matt and Brian have always protected me and I refuse to lose faith in them now.

The forest is so dense, I find it calming as we walk through. The dark green pine trees give me an odd sense of comfort. Like they are shielding us from the darkness. The sun is starting to lower in the sky, and soon it will be dark. The Forrest at night does not give me comfort, instead It scares me to death.

Brian and Matt are walking behind me; Matt helping Brian walk. I stare up ahead at Marco as he walks with a purpose leading us to who knows where I am stuck in between the two since I don't want to walk with pissy Matt. I start to think of the conversation I had with Matt a few hours back.

"Matt, how well do you know Marco?"

Matts voice becomes uneasy as he answers "well enough"

"What is that supposed to mean, matt?! We are trusting him with a lot right now." I whisper out angrily.

"Look Lex, we don't have any other option right now. Its rather go with Marco or hand you over to the king on a fucking platter, which would you prefer." Matt Bites out.

Matt had never spoke to me like that before. He told me to walk ahead while he helps Brian. I have been walking in between them and Marco for the past two hours. I am pissed at Matt for how he reacted, even if what he said was true. We really don't have a choice.

I am glaring holes into Marcos back as we walk; when he turns around with a gigantic smirk on his face.

"Say what you want to say Lexi, glaring won't change the facts. You need me." He says smugly

Groaning I march right past him. Who the hell does he think he is. A sudden grip on my arm has me whipping around seething. "Don't fucking touch me Marco!" I spit out at him

His eyes darken at my anger, and a look of satisfaction flickers across his face. "Ahh there is the feisty Lexi"

"You don't know me, so do not pretend for one fucking second like you do." The tension around us is thick as I rip my arm from his grasp.

Marco starts laughing, laughing like this is all a joke. "Oh princess, I know much more about you than you think. You see, I can see how you drag those two along back there like they are your own personal puppets." his voice holds no humor as he points to Brian and Matt.

I stare at the leaves and twigs on the forest floor trying to ignore Marcos cruel words. He is relentless though and continues to pour salt on the wound. "You are the reason Brian over there will be wishing for death when he is finally hunted down by the one of the many groups after him. He is the common enemy of the king and the guard right now." He looks at me as he says his next words.

"All because of you sweet Lexi." His words chill me to the bone. There is something malicious about Marco, something dark and every part of me screams to get away.

But I don't listen to that inner voice, instead I continue to poke the bear.

"Well Marco, I beg to differ. Everything went to shit the moment you walked into our lives. You and the Resistance brought this on us. If you had any fucking skills you would have taken out the king a long time ago, so the Chancellor's death is on your shoulders Marco. his blood is on your hands, Literally." I smirk as I say the last part and Marco looks like he's ready to rip me to shreds.

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