Haunted Houses (Garnet)

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Garnet knew that Steven would come home excited about something. She knew he would ask them to go, and that they would accept. She didn't, however, foresee herself standing in line for a haunted house. She was dressed as a fortune teller, her shades removed to reveal her third eye; Steven said it looked cool.
"Steven." She said, and he turned around to look up at her. "I don't think this is a good idea."
Steven looked incredibly confused. "What do you mean Garnet?"
She thought for a moment. "There's something you should tell me before going in here. I can see future mistakes."
Steven thought for a moment, then shook his head. "No, I don't think I forgot anything."
Garnet remained silent as they were lead into the first room, which was designed to look like a hotel. A man that appeared to have a slit throat greeted them at the desk. He looked familiar...
"Welcome, welcome, to my fine hotel! So much awaits you; it's to die for! Mwah ha ha!"
The man watched as the group moved on, smiling at Garnet as she passed by. Garnet couldn't put her finger on who it was... And then they were in a kitchen.
Entrails and human limbs lay strewn across a table, and a butcher walked through a smoky door. He began hacking at the meat, looking up to glare at people occasionally as they passed into the next room.
The next room was full of projections of snakes and bugs, a bug person sitting in a tub and eating something bloody; Garnet remained unimpressed.
The last room was circular, and appeared to be empty. As they were walking to the exit, someone in a bloody soldiers uniform began to chase them. The face was covered by a gas mask.
Steven ran and screamed, but Garnet failed to notice his laughter. She had figured that the things they had seen so far were no threat to Steven. But this was.
She stood her ground, and when the soldier got to her and growled, she did the only logical thing and punched it in the stomach.
The soldier doubled over and she called back to Steven, "Don't worry. I got it."
Steven came running up to her freaking out, and she wasn't sure why; until the soldier took off his mask and grinned up at her in pain.
"Wow Lady Garnet, you sure pack a punch." It was Jamie, and now that she got a good look at him, she realized he had also been the one to greet them at the desk.
"Garnet, it's just people in costumes!" Steven yelled and Garnet hummed.
"Oh." She said, then turned to Steven. "I knew you forgot to tell me something."
Steven laughed nervously. "Oh yeah, I guess I didn't think this through..."

            Next Halloween

Garnet watched as Pearl got back in line for the haunted house, smiling. "Pearl, you're so wild."
Amethyst crunched on candy apples and chuckled. "Yeah, too bad we were banned. I would totally go again, too!"

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