The Third Eye (Ruby/Sapphire)

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//bold is Sapphire. Italics is Ruby. Both is both of them. Enjoy!

Setting: A little while after Ruby and Sapphire fuse, as they get the hang of their 'strange new form'.

Future Vision (Ruby)
Garnet walked down the path, trying to get used to walking. She felt so much taller; so much stronger. It felt right, she thought. As she walked down the path, she took in the beautiful sights of the Earth around her. A few minutes later, she stopped mid-stride, her eyes wide.
"W-we, um... I almost hit that tree branch!"
"The tree branch is farther down the path. We, um... I haven't gotten to it yet."
"But I could've swore..."
Garnet continued forward and smiled when she saw the tree branch, ducking under it as she passed. She laughed softly. "See? I told you."
A few minutes later, she halted in the path again. "Oh my gem, the renegade Pearl!"
"Haha, not yet."


Three Eyes (Sapphire)

Garnet was now a member of the Crystal Gems and their Rebellion. She was so happy that she had a place to be accepted!
For the first time ever, there was so much to see that had yet to be seen. Garnet often found herself walking wherever her path may lead, curious as to what her gaze would find. It just so happened that on this day, she was watching the sunset.
"It really is SO beautiful." She said in awe. "A blending of colours... Like a fusion of separate skies."
She was silent for a moment, her eyes taking in all that they could. "It's nice to enjoy something like this. With you... But? But I'm scared you'll get tired of it. That you'll miss home."
She fell silent again, and after a while shook her head. "This is home now. And I don't foresee being bored of this anytime soon."
She blushed at her own words, then cleared her throat. "Is it really that nice? Being with me? Yes. It's great getting to know you. We're so different, and yet the same thing all at once."

"Do you- You first. No, you." She smiled, a part of her already knowing what was next. "How do you see it? What does this look like to you?"
Garnet watched as the blues and pinks of the sky began to form a purple. The sky grew darker, and stars began to come out. She didn't speak again until the sun had vanished. "There's so much to see. I want to see it all... With you."

_many, many, MANY years later_

Garnet was an immovable force, her gaze as stony as, well, herself. She had practiced control over many years, and she enjoyed conversations with herself in the privacy of her own head. She walked down the hill, smiling inwardly.
'Hey Ruby, there's a rock up ahead. Careful not to trip before we get to it.'
'Hey, I haven't done that in years, you know...' Ruby would have visibly blushed at Sapphire's mental laughter. 'We're almost there anyways. And you know that AMETHYST is the one that's going to trip.'
Garnet nodded the faintest bit, then went to sit beside Pearl and Steven. "Watch out."
Amethyst ignored Garnet and tripped anyways, then joined them on the sand. They all sat and enjoyed the sight of the sun setting, sinking slowly beneath the waves. Garnet looked around at the others and leaned back on her hands, letting a small smile slip onto her face. "I want to watch each one with all of you."

//569 words! Woooow, took me long enough, right? Guess I'm just uninspired. Maybe my well is running dry??? Do y'all have any ideas?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2018 ⏰

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