Chapter 7

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A few minutes later, Percy passed out in his room. Exhausted for the events of the day.

The next morning Percy awoke drenched in cold sweat. He kept having nightmares about war, although, some times he would wake without remembering them. However, this time it was lucid. He had revived the war and some scenes from Tartarus.

Knowing that he would not be able to sleep again, he walked out of his room. Outside, the sun was just rising. Percy was surprised to find Steve already awake in the kitchen.

Steve seemed surprised too. "Hey, Percy. Good morning!"

"Morning, Captain. Baking your awesome pancakes?" Percy greeted back.

Steve's face flushed a bit. "Y-Yeah, as always."

Percy chuckled. "You know Wanda and I were messing with you, right?"

Steve glared at him and shook his head. "Teenagers nowadays. In my times, it was all easier."

Percy looked at him questionly. "What do you mean by that?"

"Oh! We didn't tell you, did we?" Steve asked. "I was frozen in time. I fought in the World War II."

Percy was looking at him in shock. "Woah! You fought in the War of the Big Three children?" He asked.

"What?" Now was Steve's turn to be confused.

"Actually, the World War II was leaded by demigods. Hittler was a Son of Hades. The Britain and USA armies were leaded by Sons of Poseidon and Zeus respectively." Percy said.

Steve was looking at him wideyed. "That's... strange. So the demigods leaded the war?"

Percy nodded grimly. "Of course, after that, there were repercussions. The Big Three made an oath to never have children, seeing their powers could interferate with the mortal world. However, it doesn't matter anymore. With the Mist down, it's only matter of time that people discovers us." Percy said sadly.

"If The Big Three made that oath, why are you even alive?" He asked.

Percy shook his head. "Even if they made an oath, my mother caught Poseidon's attention. I was just a mistake."

Steve looked at him with pity, he didn't really know how to reassure him, so he did the only thing he thought that would be able to cheer the demigod up.


Percy chuckled and grabbed one. "Gladly."

Steve told Jarvis to warn the other Avengers about the food. However, the only one to come was Wanda. "Good morning. Percy has beaten me for the pancakes?" She asked playfully.

Percy chuckled but was Steve who answered. "Actually, he was awake some minutes before I called you."

Wanda frowned. "Why would you wake up so early?"

Percy shrugged. "Nothing specific. Just nightmares."

Wanda was curious about his nightmares and tried to use her powers to have a look at them. However, Percy noticed this and closed his mind, not alowing her to get in.

As Wanda crashed with the barrier that Percy had built, she came stumbling back. As if she had bumped into it phisically.

"What was that?" She asked worriedly.

"It's not recommendable to dig into my mind. In any demigod mind, by that matter." He said. "If you want to see something ask me before, and I will tell you if you are allowed to see them." He said the last part harshly.

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