Chapter 11

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Calypso shook her head. "His name is Percy Jackson."

"Percy Jackson?" Peter asked. "I know him, he is helping my team with some weird monsters." He said.

Calypso looked surprised. "Your team? Aren't you a demigod?"

Peter shook his head. "I'm a normal person. Well, kind of a superhero, actually. But totally not related to the Gods."

Calypso's eyes widdened. "Then, how can you see the monsters? How can you even be here?"

"I don't really know what happened, but one day the monsters showed up and, after beating the crap out of us, Thor called for Percy's help." He explained.

"The Mist is down." Calypso said numbly.

"The what?"

"The Mist." Calypso explained. "It's something that covers the world of the Gods from the mortal eyes."

"The Mist..." Peter trailed off. "Weird."

"Get used to it, spider head." Said Calypso.

"Spider head? How did you even know about me being Spiderman?" Peter asked.

Calypso shook her head. "Spiderman? You just came with a weird spider-themed suit. How do you think I would react to that? Do really mortals think of you as a hero?" She sighed. "In my times, heroes wore armors and weapons, no weird costumes."

"Hey!" Peter exclaimed, clearly offended. "The actual heroes are not that bad!"

Calypso chuckled at his antics. "Whatever, spider head."

Peter's chest warmed as he heard her chuckle. He couldn't explain where this happiness was coming from.

Suddenly, Calypso's gaze turned sad and distant, remembering something or someone. Peter noticed this and felt a pang of pain. He didn't really like to see her sad.

"I'm going to sit in the bed a bit more." He said quietly.

If Calypso had heard him, she didn't show it.


The Avengers were sitting once again in the conference room. All of them held sorrowful looks as Fury eyed them curiously.

"What are your reasons to call this meeting?" He asked to none in particular.

Steve took a shaky deep breath. "Sir, the specialists have finished their job clearing the mall rests. Neither Peter, nor Percy and Wanda have appeared."

The news took Fury by surprise. He hadn't planed on losing any member of his team.

"T-There was no trace of them, sir." Steve continued.

Fury noticed that all of them were crestfallen. The loose of Peter and Wanda was a hard blow for all of them. Even if they were used to it. Percy loose wasn't that hard to asume, but they were growing fond of him without noticing.

Tony was the one who looked worse. He was staring at the floor with a blank expression. His gaze, however, held the undeniable truth. He was going to break down sooner or later. Peter was like a son to him.

"Even if I feel sorry for their deaths, we have to keep working. Percy's legacy was the knowledge of the Greek monsters and weapons to defend the world from them. Wanda and Peter are tought looses. They will ever be in the minds of all of us." Fury said.

Thor stood from his seat. "We must celebrate a proper funneral. A rite worthy of Valhalla."

Fury shook his head. "Nothing like that will be done, Thor. We got no time to do them with the war brewing. We don't even know who or what is coming. We are almost as bad as when we started."

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