Chapter 3.2 - 2168 (Part 2) V2.1

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Chapter 3.2 - 2168 (Part 2) V2.1

Two weeks later and several million kilometers from Pasadena, on LaGrange Deep Space Station, number Four, Robert Scott and his partner Mynah ran the last dockside and captive tether tests of test vehicle number one. The drone was programmed to use its fusion engine to accelerate at 2.5g. The test vehicle was designed to verify the results of the lab experiments using the newly discovered artificial gravity technology. If it worked, the future of interstellar exploration would be drastically changed. They had enough confidence in the system that they were simultaneously installing the grav plate system in the unmanned probe drone as well as in the cruiser. Project watermelon was the design and fabrication of the FTL drive modules. Like the grav test, one trio of Scott–Mittal drive units were being constructed for the drone and one trio for the cruiser. Much of the work had been done in the newly constructed high-security facility which had been secretly built underground and out of view of the eyes in the sky not far from Scott's lab. The first test flight of the drone was scheduled for the next morning, 0600, station time.

In the control room of the classic doughnut-shaped LG-4 station, the team prepared the first free flight profile for test vehicle number one. The low RPM spin of the station provided just enough artificial gravity to keep the occupants healthy. The water filled walls of the storm cellars on each level provided just enough shielding in case of a solar flare or other cosmic ray event. If the Scott-Mittal system worked, spinning stations like it would become obsolete...

Mick and Mynah were at the two telemetry stations. Mick was controlling Test Vehicle-1 while Mynah was remotely controlling the power to the grav plates. Doctor Scott was standing behind the two attempting to orchestrate the test plan in a coherent manner. Standing in the corner pretending to be something he was not was Li Chen, the Chinese Hegemony observer. In accordance with their treaty obligations, the NAA has graciously allowed him to observe the test of the new technology. It was a fun kind of game where they know that he knew, that they know, that he was MSS-7; this game had been played since Cain first spied on Abel...

Doctor Scott looked at all of the data screens and then said to Commander McKenzie. "With station permission, we'll release the tether and proceed."

Colin smiled and answered loudly. "Permission granted!"

Doctor Scott nodded. "Okay Mick, on my mark, three, two, one, mark!"

Mick tapped the screen and responded. "Vehicle free. Thrusting to station keeping at one kilometer."

Mynah scrolled through several screens at her station. "Power nominal, grav set plates to warm idle."

It took about 20 minutes for the small test drone to use its pressurized gas thrusters to move a thousand meters North of LG-4. When it was established at the designated location, Mick said to his friend. "Okay Doc, whenever you're ready."

Scott looked at Mynah and nodded. She scanned her readouts one more time and said. "All nominal here, ready as we'll ever be."

In the background, Li Chen marveled at the efficiency of the team but also thought of his disapproval of the lack of respect of hierarchy and the informality of the subordinates to their superiors!

Scott then said glibly as if to reinforce Li Chen's observation "Okay, babe. Press the red button on three, two, one, mark!"

With that, nothing happened. Mynah stood up, smiled and said. "One g and steady. No fluctuations, vehicle stable. We got it!"

The room erupted in muted cheers. Li Chen remained in stoic silence at his station in the back of the small room. The ocular implant which had replaced his left eye recorded everything...

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