Epilogue | Together

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Cyprus had his arm around Estella as they spoke to a few of their friends, after school

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Cyprus had his arm around Estella as they spoke to a few of their friends, after school. They were discussing some plans they wanted to do this summer. There was talks of trips to Spain and other places abroad but they had all decided to spend at least one day at the beach this summer.

Estella only half listened to their chatter, but the rest of the time she was checking her phone. She eventually started using her social media more. She had got a request from this new fashion place and clicked on it. She found that Cyprus was already following it. That was weird, she decided to ask him about it later. She tucked her phone away in her back pocket and joined in the conversation.

Soon, they parted ways to go home. Cyprus, as usual, took Estella home, even though they lived in opposite directions of the school. They shared a few kisses and held hands, whilst discussing everything and anything. Whilst he was taking her home, she remembered to ask about the fashion page, "Cyprus, why are you following a fashion page?"

"What fashion page?" He asked in confusion. He didn't recall following one. That's weird.

Estella took her phone out and showed him the page.

"Oh, that page. I don't know if you knew her, but I made this friend when I first started school. She was from America. She left a few days after we went to winter wonderland and that's her page. She's trying to start up a fashion online magazine."

"I see, that's really sweet of you to support her, what's her name?" Estella started following up the page too. There was no harm in supporting this girl's dream.

"Her name was Aziza."

They didn't realise that Aziza had been the same girl to approach Estella one day nor did they realise that she was the one to push Cyprus towards Estella. They didn't realise her hand in making them friends. They didn't realise until years later when they were talking about random school memories with Aziza after she contacted Estella to model for her and told the her version of their memories. She liked to think she was responsible for melting the Ice Queen's heart but Cyprus quickly shut down that idea.

Even though they had been pushed together, it didn't matter. They were happy. Popularity meant nothing without the happiness they had.


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