Why It All Began

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"Well?" Vanessa asked impatiently with her arms crossed, "Are you sleeping with my husband?!" My heart raced inside my chest. I tried to swallow but a huge lump was forming in my throat making even breathing difficult. I had been in the living room on the soft beige rug with Sebastian laying on me and Toby curled up by my legs. I'm not completely sure when the two fell asleep but they were when the couple returned. You see, I babysat for the Miranda's whenever I was in town. Vanessa's husband came over and picked up Sebastian to put to bed. He looked me in the eye to gave me a small smile and I felt a jolt of electricity. I don't sit because I need the money. I do it to keep those eyes in my life...


I remember the first time I saw those eyes in real life. I was with Ellen DeGeneres.

"You're going to take a right here." Ellen (and her cameraman) had kidnapped me and forced me into my car. She was directing me to an undisclosed location for lunch with a special guest.

"Ellen, it better not be Robert Downey Jr.. I'm not ready to meet him. I will literally stop talking to you if you ever surprise me with RDJ." I said with a grin but knew I was serious.

"I know but that's not who-"

"Is it Gina Rodriguez? I love her! Oh my gosh, if you introduce me to her, I will love you forever!"

"Pull over by that large tree." Ellen instructed and connected her phone to my car Bluetooth. I did as I was told then my jaw dropped.

"That's... That's..." I felt my whole body begin to stiffen up.

"Lin-Manuel Miranda!" yelled Ellen as he got in the car.

"Ellen!" Lin yelled when he got in the car. He turned around and high fived Ellen. Then he turned his grinning brown eyes to me "I don't think we've met. You are?" Time slowed down as Ellen introduced me to Lin. I've never felt so helpless...


"Hello?" Vanessa snapped me out of my reverie

"Vanessa," finally finding my voice, "I am not sleeping with your husband!" But I wish I was...

"Right. I don't believe you. You think I don't see the way you're looking at him when he isn't paying attention? Even if you aren't sleeping with him, you are definitely scheming. Definitely longing for my husband. I can't have that! So I'm giving you the chance to walk away with your dignity."

"Uh, you're firing me?" Lin would never stand for that without an explanation.

"I'm not firing you. That would make me look bad. No doubt, Lin would get suspicious of my reasoning and convince me to hire you again. No, no, YOU are going to quit."

"But I don't want to..." I mumbled.

"Excuse me? When MY husband comes back down here. YOU are going to tell him that YOU are quitting. Got it?" she whispered closely to my face. I felt a shiver run down my spine and hot tears form behind my eyes. I swallowed and nodded. This woman is getting scarier by the second. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Okay, Y/N, you can do this just don't cry. Not in front of Lin.

"Hey, Y/N, thanks again! It's always great to have you around..." Lin's words slowed down as he took in my face.

"Uh, I can't sit for you anymore..." I didn't look at his face because I knew I would cry. I turned on my heel and ran out as quickly as I could. As soon as I was in my rental car, my tears streamed down my face. I wiped them away and returned to my hotel.

Lin's POV

"What?" I had barely gotten a word out before Y/N was out of the house. She didn't even look at me when she spoke but I could see something was wrong. I could hear the brokenness in her words. I felt my heart break in half. She just quit and left. I looked at my wife completely lost and she just shrugged unknowingly. What just happened?

Your POV

The next morning I yawned as I packed my suitcase to head to the airport. I hadn't slept well due to the previous night's events. At least my flight is leaving today. I can't wait to get as far away as possible from the Miranda household. Too bad my flight is so early. As I was finishing up, there was a knock at the door. Not really in the mood to see anyone... I checked the peephole. When I saw curly brown locks in front of fair skin with impeccable teeth, I opened up the door.

"Y/N!" my assistants Candace and Kendall yipped excitedly. Candace was a dear friend of mine who had been helping me out ever since I became well known to the world. She was one of my closest friends as well as my head assistant. Kendall was nearing his first year working for me. I could tell he was getting comfortable being around me but he still tried to keep things professional.

"Hey, guys," I greeted them then tried but failed to stifle a yawn.

"You didn't stay out too late last night babysitting, did you? You have an early flight out." Kendall said with his eyebrows raised as he scrolled through an iPad loaded with my schedule.

"No, of course not."

"Yeah, as if you wouldn't do anything at the drop of a hat for Liiiiiiin." Taunted Candace. I didn't say anything but continued to fix my suitcase. She moved closer to me when I didn't react. "Hey, boss, sorry I was just joking." I shook my head and tried to hold back my tears. This crying thing is getting too involuntary and annoying.

"No, it's not you," I took a deep breath, "I kind of had a fall out with the Miranda family." They exchanged glances at my words.

"This is probably a bad time to mention that you agreed to do that #Ham4Ham video with the original Broadway cast of Hamilton..." Kendall said uneasily. I groaned as I flopped back onto the bed. I knew the peace wouldn't last.

"Would you like me to cancel?" Candace interceded picking up her phone.

"No, no. I agreed to do this. I'm going to do it. It's not for another couple of weeks." Kendall and Candace came and hugged me. It made me feel a little bit better. "Then all I have to do is avoid him, right?"

"Right!" they agreed.


Author's Note:

Hello! So this is the first time I've ever shared anything like this ever. I have more this written out but I only published the first part because I want to get a feel for what readers think should happen or for any critics. I also have an idea for this story from a different angle. Please feel free to comment or message me about this so far! And please leave votes to let me know if I should post the next part as written.

Thanks so much!

~ G. E. M.

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