Chapter Ten

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I watched in admiration as Aileen turned into a gymnast

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I watched in admiration as Aileen turned into a gymnast. I couldn't even do a forward roll.

But instead of joining her, I hopped up off the couch and headed for the stairwell.

I heard my kidnapper get up to follow me, abandoning the other guy on the couch.

He caught up to me fast, and as I climbed the staircase, he became so close I could nearly feel warmth radiating through his shirt.

"You don't have to follow me you know," I spoke without looking back.

"I kinda do," He answered, amusement in his voice.

I sighed again, something I found myself doing a lot around him, and made a sharp U-turn into my room.

He followed me in, and as I went to sit down on my bed, the guy leaned casually in the doorframe.

I looked pointedly at where he was standing. "You seem to have a liking for doors and open windows."

"We all have our thing."

"I have a quick question," I said, holding up a finger. "Don't you realize that people are going to start to notice I'm missing?"

"On it. I sent out a letter saying that you were visiting a friend in Africa and probably wouldn't have any cell connection. Also, you didn't know when you'd be back."


"Do you have a boyfriend?" He asked suddenly.

My head went up in shock while heat rushed into my cheeks. What?

"I think so," I said, fighting to keep the blush down. "But my restraining order says otherwise."

It was in vain thinking that that would deter him, because his grin only widened.

"Let me go or face the consequences," I said suddenly, with a fierceness in my tone I hoped would scare him. "You've got no idea what I can do to you."

He grinned even wider. "I love it when you talk dirty to me."

I groaned and threw my hands up in the air in frustration. "You're impossible!"

"Impossibly hot."


"Sexually frustrated?"

"That's it!" I announced. I pushed myself off the bed and walked over to the doorway.

He laughed loudly as I harshly shoved him out of my room and shut the door.

Then, I turned and leaned my back against it heavily. What have I gotten myself into here?

If only I'd just locked my windows.

Just as I was about to move away from the door, it was slammed open.

I flew to the wall and banged against it, as the door crashed into me, sandwiching me against the wall and turning everything black.

I struggled to breath as someone walked in.

"Hayley? Where the heck did you go?" Aileen's voice said.

"Help," I managed.

The door was quickly pulled away from me, and as my vision returned I gasped for breath.

I was just not having a good week.

"I just had an idea," She told me while I recovered.

I frowned. This can't be good.

"If we are going to get out of here alive, we need to work together," She told me. I nodded, already knowing this.

"Oh, and one more thing," She continued. Aileen looked me up and done. When her eyes reached my face, I offered her a smile, which made her frown deepen. "Oh no. This just won't do."

My smile fell. "What's wrong? It was a friendly smile."

"That's just it!" She told me, walking into the room and going to sit down on my bed. "If we are going to escape, we need to change... this." And she gestured to me.

I looked down and frowned. "What do you mean? I like my clothes."

"I'm not talking about your clothes, I mean you."

"Ouch," I said, frowning.

"If we are escaping, you can't be all nice," She said, stalking up and down the middle of the room, pacing. "You can't be all please and thank you while we are busting out of here. You have to be willing to get down and dirty, and do whatever it takes to escape."

"Dirty?" I crinkled up my nose. "Will I at least have some soap?"

"No, but listen," She began. Before I could protest, she continued, "You want to get out of here, right?"

"Obviously," I huffed, crossing my arms.

"Then there's only one thing to do," She said, finishing her pacing and coming over to place her hands on my shoulders. "It's time to learn the thug ways."

Are you kidding me?" I exclaimed, "I can't be a gangster, I've never broken a law in my entire life! Except maybe J-walking, but nobody really takes that seriously."

Aileen rolled her eyes at me. "Listen, we need to get out of here. This isn't some fun little vacation, Hayley, this could be life or death. And the only way we are going to bust out is by doing whatever it takes. You have to be willing to do anything, no matter how illegal or crazy it may sound."

"I don't know, this all sounds a little too rambunctious for my taste."

She slapped her forehead, leaving a bright red handprint. "You've got to be kidding me."

I bit my lip hesitantly. "But... I guess I see your point. I need to get back to my life as soon as possible, and this might be the only way."

A devilish smile slowly over took Aileen's face, scaring me.

Lord, what have I gotten myself into?

She walked slowly over to me, placing her hands on my shoulders and looking deep into my eyes. "Well, then, say goodbye to the old you, and hello to the THUG you."

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