Chapter Sixty Two

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I woke up to a warm body next to mine

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I woke up to a warm body next to mine.

The hell?

Wait. It must be some kind of creep.

Or worse, a rapist!

It's ok Aileen, you can take him.

I slowly prepared myself for battle, breathing deeply and counting to ten.


"AAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed, jerking upwards and jumping on the thing next to me.

"AAAAAHHHHHH!" Jacob yelled as I wrestled his arms above his head.

Finally I recognized him to be Jacob.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHH!" I screamed again, jumping away and scrambling off of the bed, falling to ground and scrambling up to a standing position.

"AAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" he yelled back, pulling the covers up in fear.

"Jacob?!" I shouted angrily, my fists clenched by my sides to keep from hitting him. "What the HELL are you doing in here?!"

"Don't hurt me!" he cried, pulling the covers over his head and hiding under them.

I rolled my eyes, "Just because you can't see me doesn't mean I can't hurt you. You literally just did nothing."

"Promise you won't do anything rash!"

"Does giving you a rash count?"


"Fine," I sighed, crossing my arms. "Just get out from under there."

Jacob slowly lifted the covers off of his head and faced me, looking quite scared.

"What on earth are you doing in my bed?" I asked in a disbelieving voice.

Jacob looked down at the bed, depressed. "I'd always thought when I finally slept in a girl's bed she would be happy. But all you're doing is yelling at me."

"Yeah, because I did not give you permission to sleep with me!" I couldn't help but shout.

"It's not my fault!" he protested. "I accidentally fell asleep when we were both looking up at the ceiling last night!"

He looked looked into my eyes and said, "Don't you remember that beautiful moment?"

I huffed, still annoyed to be in this situation.

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