Knowing phase

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Ello~ everyone!

How was your day today!

Mine was awesome!(note my sarcasm)

HA you thought I was happy!

No but actually my day was terrible!

We have this new after school science teacher and at first she was SO strict!

Then afterwards we were making catapult ok. So it was a group of three per group. My group and another group went in the hallway since everyone else took the spot by the teacher.

So you know we were building it for 15 to 20 minutes I believe when a 8th grader comes by and says.

"Hey did you finish your catapult"?

"No were almost done though"I said.

Then she said"Oh we are doing the next one right now".


S-s-she just forgot about 6 of her students because we weren't by her!

I was Sooooo mad so everyone in the hallway that were ignored just threw the paper balls at each other and threw the catapults at each other too!

Then it ended and I was able to go to my house.

So ya today was perfect!

Anyways on with the new chapter!



Why do I feel so attached to him like I love him? I never met him in my life before in till a few days later. Why do I feel pain when something happens or if I say something mean towards him? Does it have something to do with the word mate? I hope not cause that means I am going to go through hell. Actually I shouldn't say that cause I actually live in hell.

Yeah now it's just awkward..........

I snapped out of my thoughts as I walked behind a tree and turned visible.

I listened to him speak and heard the word.......

"Why does my mate have to make it so hard to make her happy".............


Xerus's POV

"What.."?I whispered to myself.

Why did he say mate again? Is that what he calls his girlfriend or boyfriend. I don't know if his gay!

I saw him look at my direction.

Shit! I must have speaker louder then I meant!

"Who's there"!Eric demanded.

For some reason when he talks like that he's kinda hot.

I shook my head. What the hell am I thinking about! I don't want to date him! He probably already have a girlfriend.

Then suddenly my heart began to ache with pain.........

Why do I feel this emotion......

I growled as I realized why.

That stupid human! She was able to slip some of her love in me while we transformed! That idiot! I knew she was stupid but hell this is worse then stupid! I am not supposed to date anyone who is alive!

"I demand you to come out"Eric demanded louder with more power then before.

Now this is just annoying.......

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