Unneeded Interference

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Ello~ everyone and I hope you enjoy!



When we were passed the the reporters we quickened our speed to lose them. We went into the forest as the reporters lost us. We stopped for a minute so my mom could catch her breath.

"How did the reporters know what happened? We didn't call the police"I said to myself as I heard a branch snap.

"Who's there"!I shouted as I got my trident out and got into a fighting stance.

Xerus's POV

I saw a person who I remembered from when I was young. My body froze from the shock of finding her.

"You can't be"I said as I took a step back as I shook my head.

"Yeah, well you did kind of leave us in that place"she said as I saw the anger in her eyes.

"Who is this"?Eric asked as she chuckled slightly.

"Let me introduce myself"She said as she bowed slightly.

"I am Irin Celeste, I used to be in the same hell hole when I was younger"Irin said as I shook my head.

"It can't be, in the newspaper it said everyone died"!I said as I fell to the floor holding my head.

"Alicia"!Eric shouted as he rushed to me.

She laughed softly and only I heard her.

"Yeah well, the police found us and took the rest of us in and kept us hidden from the reporters. We all told the police what happened in that place. We also told them how we were sold for money. We always wondered why you left in till we saw the news"Irin said as I looked up at her.

"You were all over the news back then! All of us knew that it was you, like how could we not! We were stuck in that place till we were around 13 years old. We all knew immediately when we saw your face. Although when you died everyone was extremely sad about it"Irin said as she showed a smirk at the end.

"Then a demon known as DD came along. We all had a feeling that it was you so we investigated around your looks, height and such"She said like she was proud of it.

"Then we saw a picture of you, you couldn't even imagine how happy we were! You did it! Although it was cut short when we found out about you being forced to turn into a human on the full moon. None of us couldn't have accomplished it! So I came to say thank you, of course I'm still mad about you leaving us and murdering the bastards without us''Irin said as she bowed slightly again.

"How did you know where we were"?Eric asked as he helped me up.

"You were all over the news all we had to do is look at the address on the wall, drive there and follow you. We didn't want to make your secret exposed"Irin said as her smirk grew wider.

"Well they didn't, me on the other hand, I have other ideas for you"Irin said as I began to reach for my weapon.

"No no no, we are playing my game, killing me won't help"Irin said as I grabbed my trident.

"Why won't it help"?I asked as I began to get in my stance.

"I set a timer on my phone so if you kill me it will be sent to social media and everyone will know that you have a mate. Will it take hours or days until someone takes your precious Eric away"She said sweetly as I gritted my teeth.

"Father"!I shouted out loud.

"Honey your father isn't here Eric took care of him"My mom said as I smiled.

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