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Through the narrow ambulance windows, Max saw a wrought-iron gate swing open. The ambulance cruised up a small hill then came to a halt. He guessed they had been driving for about twenty minutes, but it was hard to know for sure.

"Home sweet home," the EMT said as he threw the back door open.

Two disinterested orderlies in white uniforms reached into the ambulance and pulled Max's stretcher out without even glancing at him. It was as if he was nothing more than a meat delivery.

A green and white Victorian house stood before him. Behind that were three non-descript rectangular brick buildings. Max looked at the orderlies, the gate and the restraints holding him in place. Understanding mixed with fear - he'd been sent to an asylum.

"Hello Max, welcome to Hanover."

Max craned his head to see the watery blue eyes of a doctor; at least the white coat implied he was. The man's face was lined with age. A wisp of white hair twitched in the breeze. Knees creaked as the doctor knelt beside Max. "My name is Doctor Garner. I'll be taking care of you here."

Max struggled to get free, yanking his arms uselessly against the bindings. "I don't need any help."

Doctor Garner rose and looked down thoughtfully. "Perhaps there's some kind of mistake. Why do you think you're here?"

Rage swelled with him. Every minute here was one closer to the next vision. "I don't care! Just, Jesus, just let me go. You can't do this!"

"That's unfortunate. It seems I've failed before I've even begun," Doctor Garner said.

As if reminding him that there was no escape, Max felt the fiery coils rising up the back of his neck. The restraints bit into his flesh as he tried to rip free. "You don't know what you're doing!" He clenched his fists as red-hot pain encircled his skull. The burning city reappeared and nothing else mattered anymore.


When consciousness crept back in, Max found himself in a wheelchair. Maples and willows lined the property casting cool shadows in the afternoon light. The scent of freshly cut grass filled the air. Still in a daze, Max turned to see Doctor Garner pushing the wheelchair along the path. His wrists were no longer restrained, but the marks were still there from where they pressed against his skin. "I don't need a wheelchair," Max said, although he wasn't sure he could stand just yet.

"Humor me, just enjoy the ride," Doctor Garner said as he guided Max on.

A handful of teenagers threw a Frisbee on a wide expanse of lawn. They all wore blue - the color associated with calm - or at least that's what Max had read somewhere. They glanced his way then went back to their game, just another lunatic passing through. Embarrassment washed over him and he cursed himself for that one slip in the drug store.

"Ah, just in time. Here is Nurse Baker. If you need anything, speak to her. And if you're any good at Gin, you'll have a friend for life," Doctor Garner said. "Nurse Baker this is Max. He'll be staying with us for a while."

"Hello Max," Nurse Baker said, taking over pushing his wheelchair along. "Welcome, I hope you like it here."

"I'm a prisoner. What's not to like?" Max said.

"You'll find that you have tremendous freedom here. We encourage you to explore your new home," Doctor Garner said as he opened the door to the dorm. "You're only a prisoner if that's how you perceive the world."

The hallways were lined with drawings of playful animals and sunny islands. Most were awful. "I thought crazy people made the best artists."

"Luck of the draw," Doctor Garner said.

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