Chapter 17 - It's time I stood up for myself

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Nisha's pov

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't forget the kiss between Siddharth and that other woman. I am not upset because she kissed Siddharth. I am upset that she kissed my husband. Although Siddharth and I don't act like a couple, we are married. When getting married, both the husband and wife make certain promises to each other. One of them, is to stay loyal to each other forever. Do I look like I wanted this marriage?  I'm probably dreading it more than Siddharth. 

Yet, did I go around kissing other men? Did I ever consider even touching another man? No

I never did any of these because I want to be a faithful wife. I know what it means to be a married woman. But maybe Siddharth doesn't deserve my faith. I had put up with him for so long, but he has crossed the line this time. He can hurt me, play me and even cheat on me, but I can't let him destroy me. For the last few weeks, he has been breaking me internally. His harsh words and abusive actions were enough to make me crawl into a ball within myself and not wanna get back up. Before marriage, I had self-control and although I hardly expressed it, I felt strong. But now -  I feel weak and helpless.I have to change things around here for my own good. But how?

All of a sudden, I hear a knock on the door. That beast had come home surprisingly. In anger, I don't open the door. What makes him think I would open the door for him after all he has done. 

Knock Knock

I don't answer.

"Siddharth! Nisha! It's me Keerthi!" I hear a yell

I race up to the door and fling it open. In front of me stands Keerthi, in a simple yellow salwar Kameez. 

"Keerthi. Come in" I say leading her inside

Once Keerthi grabs a seat on the couch, she strikes me with a question

"Nisha. You look down? " She says patting my arm

"Keerthi, It's nothing" I hide

"Nisha, although I've only known you for..hmm..a day. I can tell that somethings wrong. Where's Sid by the way?" She asks peering around the room

"He's part of the problem" I sigh. 

I have to tell someone about what Siddharth has done. Keerthi may in fact be the perfect person tell. After all, she wasn't very fond of Siddharth either

"Now tell me Nisha, what did he do this time" She asks

"It's a long story. But I need you to promise that you won't tell anyone" I say holding her hands tightly

"I promise Nisha, tell me" She says

"I saw.." I begin

"You saw....?" Keerthi asks

"I saw Siddharth kissing another woman" I sob

"What? Are you serious? I-I can't believe he'd do such a thing. That stupid idiot!" She yells slamming the coffee table

"Keerthi, please don't tell anyone about this" I plead

"Nisha. Don't be so naive. We have to tell someone. That's the only way we can teach him a lesson" She says 

"I wish it was that easy. But if my parents ever found out about this, they'll be heartbroken. I-I don't know how they'd ever cope. They would feel guilty for making me marry that beast" I say wiping a tear

"Nisha, first of all stop crying. I'm here for you, and I'm sure we will find a solution." She whispers gently

"But what can I do? I have nobody here apart from you. I have no life here in the USA. If Siddharth divorces me, what will I do? I have nobody" I sob

"Let me tell you something. Siddharth will never change, but you can. You can't let him control you. If he cheats on you, find someone else..." Keerthi says

"Keerthi. I can't do that. No matter what he does, he is my husband and-" I begin

"And? What is he apart from your husband. He's been treating you like trash. Why are you considering such a unlawful and disgusting cheat as your husband? I know you are married by law, but emotionally he doesn't think of you as his wife- not for one damn second. But look at you, you are being faithful to that loser for nothing" Keerthi says

"You're right" I mutter

"I don't wanna come across as too harsh. But get a life outside of this house. I know you don't want a divorce for the sake of your family, and I understand that. But if you spend every moment in this house you'll be damaging yourself both mentally and physically. Siddharth won't change. Do you want to be that girl who spent all day slaving around for her husband who is cheating on her, or be the girl who stood up for herself, and did what she wanted? " She asks

Listening to Keerthi's words makes me feel so much better. It's time I stood up for myself. Even if this marriage ends up in a divorce, I should make the most of this time. 

"Keerthi, I have a question" I say

"What is it Nisha?" She asks

"Do you know any teaching colleges around here?" I ask

Hi Readers! Like the twist at the end? I know a lot of you readers wanted to see a stronger and self-governed Nisha. You will see Nisha's strength grow in great levels from this chapter onwards. Don't forget to vote, share and comment.

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