42 - Telling Keerthi

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Siddharth storms out of the room in anger, leaving me alone.

No words can express how furious I am right now. I am furious at not only Siddharth, but everyone. Everyone including Keerthi. Despite warning her numerous times, she failed to believe me. Instead, Keerthi turned her back against me, trusting the selfish Siddharth instead of me. I am not surprised though, Siddharth and Keerthi share the same blood so how could I expect her to behave sensibly. 

My main concern is the fact that she is pregnant. Due to Siddharth's foolishness, she has landed herself in an horrible situation. Mukul has broken the alliance, which means Keerthi is now pregnant with the father of her child gone. 

This is the worst that could happen

I have to tell Keerthi. 

I know she won't take it well, but I have to tell her as soon as possible, before situations get worse. 

I pick up my phone and dial Keerthi's number. My palms are sweaty and my breathing gets heavier. Never have I ever had to deliver such astonishing news. But this has to be done. 

"Nisha, what's up?" Keerthi says with joy 

My mind stresses about how I will tell her 

"Keerthi, there is something I need to tell you" I begin with concern 

"What is it? You've bought your outfit right? Aunt Nirusha told me to send them to her this weekend for tailoring if needed, do you want me to give yours to her too?" Keerthi asks

My heart sank listening to Keerthi talking with so much excitement about the wedding. This joy is going to come crashing down when she finds out her groom has betrayed her and left. 

"K-Keerthi...I" I stammer

I cant get the words out. This is too much. Keerthi will be deflated. I know she betrayed me, but she is like a sister to me, I can never forget how much she supported and cared for me when I first arrived to the USA.

"Nisha? Is everything alright, you don't sound too good" Keerthi wonders

"Keerthi, there is something I need to tell you. I know this is going to upset you....but I have to tell you" I sigh 

"Oof. Don't tell me Mukul ran off last minute" She chuckles, unaware of the irony of her words

How am I gonna tell her?

I take a deep breath, and prepare myself for the worst

"Yes, Mukul has broken the alliance" I say 

 There is a long pause, for around 10 seconds. 

Over the phone, I hear Keerthi burst into laughter, laughing so hard it feels like she is gonna choke

"Nisha, you are too funny. I enjoy your humour a lot, but girl, I have a wedding to prepare for" She giggles 

"Keerthi. I'm serious" I revert hoping she will understand 

"Okay, Okay Nisha. I will just believe that he has broken the alliance and tell everyone to stop all the preparations...... You are too funny Nisha. Anyways, I gotta go, Aunt's been nagging me about deciding the wedding cake all week. I should get to that. " She says quickly changing the topic

She didn't get it

"Keerthi, you don't understand" I beg 

"Nisha, I swear my stomach's in knots from all that laughter. I gotta go now, talk soon, love you" She kisses through the phone

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