Chapter 27 - The truth is out - part 2

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"Divaani...??" He mutters

"Yes. You heard me. Divaani" I say

"W-Why are you bringing her into this. She is a the past" Siddharth reverts

"Don't lie to me Siddharth. I know about your afffair" I say strongly


"Over?? Don't lie to me. You've hurt me enough Siddharth, and I was such a fool to let you make me the victim. I should've left you when I saw you with her the first time, but I didn't. My foolishness made me stay for the sole reason that I was your wife. Little did I know you would still be sleeping around with her" I sigh

" Nisha. .. what are you on about? I know I've committed mistakes but haven't I repented for them?  I am trying to change, but you are the one who is going around with Armit" Siddharth scuffs

"Well....Siddharth.  we all know the real reason you were being nice to me these few weeks " I say

"Real reason? I was only trying to improve our marriage Nisha" Siddharth says

"Don't lie to me Siddharth. I know all about you. The only reason you were trying to be nice to me was cause you needed someone to keep you company while your GIRLFRIEND was overseas' I say

"WHAT?!?!?! How dare you speak like that. You know thats not true " He exclaims

"Well I know alright.  Divaani showed up this morning, and told me everything" I say

"That bitch...." He growls

"Don't call her a bitch.  Due to her I was able to unmask your true nature" I state

"Why the f*** did you speak to her?!?!??! Y-You should've told her to leave. God knows what she said.." He sighs stamping his foot

" Well. . . . . . She did thank me for keeping you satisfied for the time that she was gone....little did she know I didn't give in. Oh..I almost forgot, Divaani also apologized for not being able to come to the party tonight" I say 

" this can't be" Siddharth sighs bowing his head

"Don't act so innocent Siddharth, I know about everything. I even have proof" I say pulling out the photos of Siddharth and Divaani at the hotel. Thank God Keerthi gave me them

When I show it to Siddharth, I can see his face stress. 

"N-Nisha...these photo...where did you get these?!?!?!!" He stammers

"It doesn't matter where or how I got them, but all I know is that you had gone to see Divaani even after you told me that you loved me" I state

"What? No!  I wouldn't betray you like that. The feelings I had for you were genuine. Don't you trust me Nisha" He pleads

"Well, actions speak louder than words. I guess it's my time to leave then. I clearly don't have a space in your heart. I tried my best to be a good wife, and to make this marriage work, but a cheat like you will never change. I'd rather suffer being a divorcee than live a life with you" I spit and run up to my room. 

I finally did it. I finally confronted that monster. Now I had to leave. I have both Keerthi and Armit by my side. They will surely let me stay with them for the time being. I have to leave this hellhold. I pull out my suitcase from under the bed and begin dumping my clothes into it. 

"NISHA!" Siddharth yells breaking into our room

I stay silent

"You can't be serious, can you? Divaani did this all on purpose. She is trying to drift us apart " he says tugging my saree

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