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A day. She promised to stay for one day. Following the Alpha tackling her during her escape, which on reflection was maybe ill thought out, she'd been formally introduced to the Alpha, his beta and a few of the other pack members, including one of the wolves who'd tried to save her.

She'd explained she had to leave, for their sake and hers, but the Alpha, Jake, had convinced her to stay, stating that Doc, who was also a Doctor, wanted her to stay for one day, just so that they could keep an eye on her. By the surprise that flickered across Doc's face, Cassidy would place money on the fact that it was the first time Doc had heard that, but she let the alpha off. Despite needing to find her girls and wanting to put distance between this pack and her, Cassidy knew these people had saved her life, and that although she was healed, she was still tired, so staying one day to appease a worried Alpha, what harm would that do?

"You have a healer?" She asked casually, as they continued the walk back towards the Alpha's house. She'd been leant a jacket by the Beta, Liam, when he'd noticed the Alpha getting annoyed at the staring eyes. That was the one problem with transforming from human to wolf and back again, clothes never made it in one piece.

Jake, the Alpha, turned his attention to her, as he had done many times whilst they walked. He seemed hesitant to respond, blowing a long breath out between his teeth. "Yeh. We do."

Talkative, this one. She nodded in response and kept walking, her wolf keeping a mental record of the layout of his territory.

"I'd like to thank them. They saved my life." She admitted, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Yeh, we'll-er, yeh." Jake stuttered, a chuckle from Liam stealing her attention.

The house came into sight and a whisper of home echoed through Cassidy's wolf. She was surprised really, at how good she felt. Sure, the healer had done a great job, but there was something else, something she couldn't quite put her finger on.

As they reached the front door and Jake opened it, letting her go in first, a realisation hit her. She felt safe. She, Cassidy Alma, actually felt safe.


His wolf remained hyper aware of the she-wolf, as she walked absently around his living room. The pack had finished the hunt alone, whilst Jake and Cassidy returned to his house, Liam by his side.

Every now and then, a bolt of need would shoot through Jake, right to his core. His wolf, despite being quiet now, kept lunging to the surface, demanding that he go to the she-wolf. What his wolf wanted him to do when he got there, he didn't want to know.

Now they sat in his living room, a few other pack members had joined them, not trusting the new wolf. Jake relaxed back into his arm chair, one leg kicked up over the other, his ankle resting on his knee. A cool beer was slowly going warm in his right hand. Normally an ice cold beer would solve anything, yet today it wasn't quite scratching Jake's itch, but he had a damn good idea what could.

She paused her pace around the room, lightning fast eyes seeking him out, a mischievous smile seemed to find its place permanently on her face. Temptation in human skin. Jake could not shake the memory of her, naked beneath him in the forest, only them and nature. Jake adjusted his position in the chair and forced himself to look away from the she-wolf and check on his pack. Doc stood in his kitchen, a tea towel hanging from his weathered hands. Routinely, his mate, Darcy, would pass him a mug or plate, which he'd dry up and then place beside him. Every now and then, Doc's eyes would drift to Darcy as they continued their private conversation. Each time Darcy's laugh carried across the room, Jake could feel the wave of love emanating from Doc. He liked seeing them like this, relaxed and happy. A darkness that Jake could never escape briefly stole his attention, absorbing him entirely until the room had drifted to nothing more than background noise.

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