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"Did you get it?" Cassidy paused for a moment, and stared blankly at J. Cassidy, honestly had no idea where J had been. She briefly looked around her to confirm her thoughts - yup, not a bush, tree or hiding place in sight, and yet J definitely had not been there when she'd first left the medical centre.

"I-i-er, yes. Yes, I did. Here you go." she pushed the bottle of tablets into J's hand and watched as she disappeared back into the shadows. Cassidy stood still for a moment in the chilling evening. The wind whipped around her, bringing with it the scents of the various wolves nearby. Overhead the call of birds provided a back drop to the evening, yet it was words that Doc had left her with that sounded louder than any other sound.

"Let us help you Cassidy. Let Jake help you."

When Cassidy had protested and tried to explain that Jake's pack was falling apart at the seams because of their arrival, Doc's only response was a knowing smile and a gentle reminder to trust in Jake.

Stood there in the night air, Cassidy didn't want to move - yet her wolf wanted to run, run free across Jake's packlands. The wind shifted, bringing with it a new set of smells, something sweet, almost like honey caught her attention. "Jake." She whispered to herself. Her wolf seemed to lunge to the surface, eager to take control and go and see the one wolf who could calm the screaming panic.

Now that she was alone, Cassidy felt she could finally allow the fear she'd ignored to take over. She shivered as the wind turned colder, Caine taking control of Kelsey should never had happened, it meant he was close - so much closer than they'd realised.

She decided she would go and check on her pack, it was the most productive thing she could do and she knew that Jake's pack would give them peace and quiet. As she walked, she paid little attention to the path ahead of her, instead in her mind she ran over their options of escape or fight against Caine. He promised he was coming for her, but the question is, when. Another shudder ran down Cassidy's spine and she cursed into the night, wishing she'd grabbed a jumper. As if on cue, a door opened to her right, the light spilling out, sending the doorway's occupant into shadow.

Cassidy blinked against the bright light, raising a hand to shield her eyes.

"Cassidy," a familiar voice practically growled. She paused, her entire body frozen, every part of her flooded with warmth and her heart slammed against her rib cage.

"Jake." She whispered in recognition.

She wasn't sure if he'd moved, or if she had, or maybe their wolves had done it, but suddenly they were face to face. Heat rose to her cheeks, her eyes scanning his face. He looked tired and worn out. Stress lingered in the crease lines of his face, an age he didn't own colouring his eyes. It had only been a day since she'd seen him, yet he seemed so dishevelled.

His eyes replicated her curiosity, as they drank her in, no doubt lingering on the bags beneath her eyes, and the red rim from tears she'd never shed. She briefly wondered if he could read her, the way she could read him, when he leaned forward and wrapped his arms around her, cradling her in his body.

His scent washed over her, her wolf responding in due course. Nothing had ever felt so right, as a piece of her she'd been denying since the morning in the woods, fell into place. This was the first time she'd felt whole in a while, she realised, as she instinctively buried herself in his embrace.

They stood like that for a while, the moon their only witness, before they retreated from the chilling wind into the brightly lit doorway.




Thanks for reading and please don't forget to vote/follow and, of course, comment! - I love hearing from you! :D

Also, side note, I'm entering this story into the Wattys 2018! Good luck to anyone else who's also giving them ago this year!


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